Be All You Can Be - It’s not just a slogan
Joe Lange - Apr 26
Do you remember that marketing campaign by the Army “Be all you can be” that was used for recruiting?
If you’re anywhere near my age then I’m sure you do. Turns out it was the greatest recruiting campaign ever for the Army and lasted from 1980 all the way to 2001.
No coincidence it began under Reagan who rebuilt the military and created a new sense of pride and patriotism.
I want to borrow that slogan and use it as a springboard to introduce myself on Substack by sharing some insight on who God has helped shape me to be and give others some encouragement.
I used to lead a men’s Bible study group many years ago. We met each week and it was very difficult for me at first because there were men in the group that had been Christians there whole lives while I had no religious upbringing at all and came to Christ at the age of 32 after living a life in my teens and twenties that was nothing but debauchery.
I literally was the Prodigal son.
So the group was a little intimidating to say the least.
I also had a hard time getting into the study because all our small groups in our church used already prepared study booklets of various kinds and we just facilitated the group.
My heart wasn’t in it and it showed. The number of attendees began to dwindle and I got discouraged.
I set a meeting with our church’s small groups director and told her how I was thinking of quitting. I felt like I was doing a disservice to the guys cause my heart wasn’t in it and there had to be someone else who would do a better job.
She told me she understood how I felt but she disagreed and asked me if I would just wait a couple weeks and in a couple weeks if I felt the same then she would understand.
I agreed.
Then God did what He’s done every time I’ve been discouraged. He’s shown up and changed my life.
The week after I had met with the director I told my then wife right before I left for Bible study that I had a feeling nobody would show up.
I was almost right. There was one person.
God was about to teach me the first big lesson in my life.
As I pulled out my study book I told him that it looks like only us tonight to which he said he was glad cause he had something he needed to talk to someone about and didn’t think he could share in a group situation.
This Vietnam vet who had been a cop for many years, now a truck driver and kept everything close to the vest, began to pour out his heart.
He was going through a lot and was overwhelmed. My heart broke for him.
I shared some of my own personal history that was similar to what he was going through then did the only thing I knew to do.
I opened up my Bible and had him read some of God’s promises that had brought me through tough times. When we were done he thanked me then gave me the biggest hug which would become a tradition in our men’s group.
It had been a divine appointment.
Both of us needed encouragement and God had brought us together and used His Word to encourage us both. I had gone to group completely discouraged and left there full of joy.
God taught me that everyone needs encouragement and that numbers don’t matter. The person encouraging just one person is as valuable as the person encouraging thousands. Want to know why?
Because by encouraging one person you can change their whole world and you’ve changed the world for the better.
From that day on I threw out the study plans someone else had written and started preparing my own Bible studies letting God lead me where the guys needed encouragement and truth. Not surprisingly the group began to grow.
Here’s where I hope to encourage you.
Getting back to the “Be all that you can be.”
I did a Bible study in our men’s group on the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12.
beatitude noun
be·at·i·tude | \ bē-ˈa-tə-ˌtüd , -ˌtyüd \
Definition of beatitude 1a: a state of utmost bliss
bChristianity —used as a title for a primate especially of an Eastern church
2Christianity : any of the declarations made in the Sermon on the Mount(Matthew 5:3–11) beginning in the King James Version "Blessed are"
A state of utmost bliss caught my eye. Bliss isn’t a word you hear every day.
bliss noun
\ ˈblis \
Definition of bliss 1: complete happiness; enjoying eternal bliss in heaven; marital bliss; the sheer bliss of an afternoon at the spa
Jesus gave the Beatitudes as something for us to strive to.
I titled my Bible study
The “Be” attitudes.
As I was studying God taught me some valuable lessons that helped shape who I am today and I think are good to share.
The Beatitudes keep saying over and over again “Blessed are”…..
I was confronted with one thought that stuck in my brain I couldn’t escape.
Am I a blessing to others?
It wasn’t important whether I thought I was a blessing. What was important was whether others thought I was. Do I bring joy to their lives? Are they happy to see or hear from me? Do I bring a smile to people’s faces?
I’m always smiling. Can’t help it, but here’s the thing, who am I a blessing to?
Here’s where God dropped a ton of bricks on me by pointing out that He wasn’t asking me if I was a blessing to people who liked me or that I loved to be around.
He was pointing to my in-laws at the time that I had a hard time being around. Every family gathering there would be constant negativity and fighting. Lots of drama.
I had begun making excuses for why I couldn’t attend and my attitude was one of avoidance. Your attitude towards someone is perceived whether you think so or not and what I had created was distance between me and my in-laws. God called me out on it. In the Beatitudes Jesus was talking about being a blessing to those “in need.”
Those who desperately need mercy, kindness, grace and peace. It’s not easy. It wasn’t meant to be. Those in real need bring a lot of baggage. I used to call them EGR’s.
Extra Grace Required people.
We all have them in our lives. Who are yours? God placed them in your lives just like He’s done in mine.
So let me ask the question again.
Would the EGR’s in your life think that you are a blessing in their life?
What is your attitude towards them?
It’s not about doing things. It’s about “be”-ing someone.
Being kind. Being gracious. Being merciful. Being forgiving and being loving.
All the time! To everyone. Whether they deserve it or not. Be all that you can be! Be the person God created you to be! Be an encourager. Be loving, be kind and loving cause you have no idea how that might change someone’s world.
One last point. When my oldest daughter was in her early teens she was having a hard time and depressed cause she didn’t have a lot of friends.
I remember telling her that if you want friends you have to “be” a friend first. Say Hi to people. Talk to them. Encourage them. Don’t wait for them to come to you. In other words, “be” friendly. I do my best to try and be friendly to everyone whether they accept my friendship or not. I treat them like a friend.
Have you ever read Matthew 26:47-50?
It’s about when Jesus gets arrested and is betrayed with a kiss. Judas identifies Him to the temple guards by kissing Him on the cheek and Jesus says to him, “Do what you came for, friend.”
You see Jesus knew Judas would betray Him but still was friendly towards him. He was always friendly because that’s who He was and that’s how we should be. It’s not conditional. We need to be friendly, kind and loving people because the world right now needs it. The people in our lives need it.
Who in your life needs it the most? Will you take the first step? God invites you to join Him and together we will help change the world my friends.
As my first substack posting I would like to thank some people.
I put off for a long time writing anything on Substack cause I’m not a sit down writer. I’m more of a shoot from the hip type of writer. A special thx to Quinn and Biernutz who encouraged me to take the plunge and I was gently reminded by God that if I could just encourage one person then it’s worth it.
Many others had encouraged me previously and I appreciate you.
I also appreciate those that follow and get encouragement from things I write. Mostly on Spitballers chat on Telegram, JustHuman chat on Telegram, Free Atlantis and now Truth Social.
I could never fully express how much I appreciate you guys and how much you all encourage me on a daily basis. You are all a blessing to me and I consider you friends.
I was made to be an encourager and my joy comes from being that for those in need.
Be encouraged.
Blessings friends.
I love the "Be Best" slogan as well.