Good job refuting stupidity with Bible. Everybody should read that book but not everybody is actually intelligent enough to understand that book. Furthermore people are usually indoctrinated into having a closed mind about God and the teachings of the book by the time they're actually old enough to read the book so they have all these assumptions pre-built up in their head about God and the nature of God and everything and they can't actually read the book and see what the words are saying.
So kind of in the same way that the four corners of the worth is idiomatic God being all knowing is also idiomatic. God is the oldest thing. God is the first thing. God spent a lot of time by himself. An inconceivable amount of time by himself. Then God started making stuff like the seraphim and heaven. God did not give his seraphim permission to have free will. Most of the seraphim obeyed his orders literally and perfectly for eternity.
God has the power to do anything he wants, so he made the physical universe and then he made all the stuff and the intelligent life and then he told us we could have free will. If you actually read the Bible with an open mind you can see that God is a very complex being with complex emotions and feelings and that he is learning throughout the book. Not only is he learning but he is maturing and learning how to live with other beings that have their own free will and are doing things he doesn't want them to do all the time but that aren't necessarily wrong to do.
You can see this in how the rains get progressively loosened on humanity throughout the Bible. It starts out with a bunch of people and God telling them follow all of these complex instructions and rituals and maintain the covenant and by the time it gets to Jesus he is relaxed and he's like okay just love your neighbor and be nice to each other.
Most of the statements about God is this or God is that comes from people in the Bible. And anytime you read something that a person says in the Bible you have to remember that that person's saying whatever is not coming from God that person saying whatever is coming from that person and God told you that person said that, that doesn't mean that God believes it. It means that person believes it.
The typical Christian interpretation of God is a slap in his face. You take the most interesting and complex being in the entire universe and reduce it to a two-dimensional figure so that simpletons can understand it.
Good job refuting stupidity with Bible. Everybody should read that book but not everybody is actually intelligent enough to understand that book. Furthermore people are usually indoctrinated into having a closed mind about God and the teachings of the book by the time they're actually old enough to read the book so they have all these assumptions pre-built up in their head about God and the nature of God and everything and they can't actually read the book and see what the words are saying.
So kind of in the same way that the four corners of the worth is idiomatic God being all knowing is also idiomatic. God is the oldest thing. God is the first thing. God spent a lot of time by himself. An inconceivable amount of time by himself. Then God started making stuff like the seraphim and heaven. God did not give his seraphim permission to have free will. Most of the seraphim obeyed his orders literally and perfectly for eternity.
God has the power to do anything he wants, so he made the physical universe and then he made all the stuff and the intelligent life and then he told us we could have free will. If you actually read the Bible with an open mind you can see that God is a very complex being with complex emotions and feelings and that he is learning throughout the book. Not only is he learning but he is maturing and learning how to live with other beings that have their own free will and are doing things he doesn't want them to do all the time but that aren't necessarily wrong to do.
You can see this in how the rains get progressively loosened on humanity throughout the Bible. It starts out with a bunch of people and God telling them follow all of these complex instructions and rituals and maintain the covenant and by the time it gets to Jesus he is relaxed and he's like okay just love your neighbor and be nice to each other.
Most of the statements about God is this or God is that comes from people in the Bible. And anytime you read something that a person says in the Bible you have to remember that that person's saying whatever is not coming from God that person saying whatever is coming from that person and God told you that person said that, that doesn't mean that God believes it. It means that person believes it.
The typical Christian interpretation of God is a slap in his face. You take the most interesting and complex being in the entire universe and reduce it to a two-dimensional figure so that simpletons can understand it.