In this thread, please share something you learned about vaccines, that really blew your mind...
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
I'll go first...
When i learned that vaccines caused "SIDS", it blew my mind,
but when i learned that SIDS was invented for the sole purpose of covering up the fact that vaccines kill babies, that really blew my mind!
What do you mean? Tetanus has been around for a looong time, and is incredibly dangerous
Yes, but the rates of tetanus increased significantly after scientists started messing with it ~100 years ago. I'm sure I recall this being said and wish I could find the testimony video.
In the meantime, here's an alternative perspective:
"Tetanus incidence and mortality declined by more than 99 percent prior to the development of the tetanus vaccine in the 1940s. This decline is cited from medical sources in the book Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? by Neil Z. Miller:
“During the mid-1800s, there were 205 cases of tetanus per 100,000 wounds among U.S. military personnel. By the early 1900s, this rate had declined to 16 cases per 100,000 wounds--a 92 percent reduction. During the mid-1940s, the incidence of tetanus dropped even further to .44 cases per 100,000 wounds. Some researchers attribute this decline to an increased attention to wound hygiene.”
Post tetanus vaccine history It is clear that knowledge of sanitation and wound hygiene are the main factors decreasing both the incidence and death rate of tetanus. While the tetanus vaccine was allegedly developed to prevent tetanus, there is no proof this vaccine has ever prevented a single case of tetanus. Tetanus is a problem of wound hygiene; not vaccination status"
Isn’t it far more likely that science became better at diagnosing tetanus 100 years ago? Its also fair to say World War 1 had a pretty big impact on that as well
It’s the same thing with autism, did it grow because of vaccines or because we got better at diagnosing (and also they expanded what was considered signs of autism) and because parents stopped being pussies about their kids not being perfect and free of issues.
I added more to my post, please check out the link. I may be incorrectly remembering the claim of a drastic increase post vaccine. I will try to dig and find the video in question. However it is clear that tetanus rates dropped to an almost insignificant number before the vaccine was created. 66% of tetanus cases were among vaccinated in one study and there doesn't seem to be any direct proof that the vaccine has ever prevented a case of tetanus.
How would you have direct proof of any vaccine preventing a disease? You can only base efficacy off of community sample sizes because you need a control group. Is that what kind of proof you are talking about?
Also, if the vaccine isn’t effective AND tetanus wasn’t a concern, why would anyone think that is a good vaccine to create? Where is the profit opportunity? You’d have to spend billions creating a panic to maybe break even years and years later.
Doesn’t that just indicate that people were better at finding it though? Of course sanitary conditions helped to curb rates of infection, but I don’t see how you figure that the vaccine helped to cause tetanus disease
Rates declined significantly between the 1850's and 1900 and again between 1900 and the 1940's so no I don't think improvement in detection was a factor. It was almost nonexistant by the time the vaccine came around to save the day.
It seems the key takeaway is that improved sanitation and wound cleaning essentially wiped out tetanus, not the vaccine. As for my indication that the vaccine caused an increase, I can't find the video to back it up and it's possible I was mistaken.
I think it's pretty likely you might be mistaken. Additionally, while sanitation certainly played a part in reducing cases, that doesn't rule out that the vaccines are/were ineffective.