posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +102 / -0

I think there is a Q post where it is said, the people you thought were bad are actually good and vice versa.

I was reading that Twitter has back channels, some people have private Twitter accounts to hide their communications. Anyone ever think about how these child traffickers communicate?

A while back Dorsey posted on Twitter about reading some verses from a Satanic Bible and using terms like (pasta) which everyone knows is one of the code words for pedophiles.


What if Jack's post was meant to lure in the pedophiles. Give the pedophiles a safe place where they thought they could communicate without fear of being exposed?

The other possibility is Jack was a satanic pedophile freak who flipped, gave up all the back channel evidence and worked out a plea deal for a lighter sentence.

Rumor is that Musk sent in his own intel team and locked down the source codes and algorithms so the current employees could not delete anything. People are reporting Musk bought Twitter but he also bought all the direct messages that people used to privately communicate.

I get the feeling the from a recent Scavino post that Dorsey may have been working with the white hats since 2006 which was when Dorsey posted his satanic verse post.

Scavino's post sitting with Jack Dorsey at the White House popping some corn.


I don't have a Truth Social account yet or I would link to the original post. This was a video or a GIF, there was corn popping, shooting up in the air. Very celebratory scene!!!

I think child sniffing Biden being placed in the White House was also used to make the child traffickers feel safe. If they think the president is a pedophile and his entire cabinet are full of tranny freaks, they could get away with anything and not fear being prosecuted, Shit, he nominated a pedophile sympathizer to the SC. So now you open the southern border, give the traffickers lots to work with and you monitor it. You allow them to communicate on Twitter...perfect storm.

This also makes me wonder about the story Biden told where he faced off with a person called Corn Pop. he was a bad dude....lol

What do you think?

Stay safe my frens!!!