your name would probably temporarily end up on a watch list to see if you make any moves towards doing it.
Ending up on a watch list is not the same as being arrested and charged with an illegal act. If someone threatens my life they are sus as fuck and they have my full attention. That doesn't mean they have done anything illegal. My discussion was about what was law; what was an infringement of Rights.
Threatening me is not a violation of my Rights and thus has no place in our laws. I can walk away at any time after someone threatens me. I can ignore it completely. I can do whatever I want, and no infringement has happened. Any law that would restrict their Right to threaten me is completely amoral, a violation of Natural Law AND Unconstitutional, even if it is "legal."
We have a metric fuckton of laws that violate all sorts of pieces of the Constitution. I'd argue that almost all of our Federal laws violate the Constitution, and are thus Unlawful, even if they are "legal."
Ending up on a watch list is not the same as being arrested and charged with an illegal act. If someone threatens my life they are sus as fuck and they have my full attention. That doesn't mean they have done anything illegal. My discussion was about what was law; what was an infringement of Rights.
Threatening me is not a violation of my Rights and thus has no place in our laws. I can walk away at any time after someone threatens me. I can ignore it completely. I can do whatever I want, and no infringement has happened. Any law that would restrict their Right to threaten me is completely amoral, a violation of Natural Law AND Unconstitutional, even if it is "legal."
We have a metric fuckton of laws that violate all sorts of pieces of the Constitution. I'd argue that almost all of our Federal laws violate the Constitution, and are thus Unlawful, even if they are "legal."
This is the way.