need it for research purposes but I can't find it :D
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How can you know that if there's not an original from that time period? You can't.
The hearts of men contain evil and imperfections and you can't convince me or many people that every person who copied that Bible through the centuries didn't make slight changes here nor there for political purposes or just due to a mistranslation game of Telephone.
You have to have a Bible made from that time period of 1st-2nd century AD to back up this claim and there isn't one that we know of. God gave you a brain and logic, use it.
The Dead Sea scrolls are in fragments. Those fragments verify the Hebrew Masoretic Old Testament and the Koine Greek New Testaments used by the translators of the Geneva Bible, King James, and Young's Literal Translations.
I agree, they definitely verify the Hebrew Bible and with a date of around 11th to 8th century BCE, they are by far the oldest texts found.
However, when I am talking about the Bible my main concern is the New Testament as in what is the oldest verifiable text we have from the New Testament. So far, that is a Greek Bible from around 300-325 AD
My God is more powerful than your god is. You just told me this. My God, the One True, Holy and Righteous Creator of all things in the Heaven and the Earth, has enough POWER to give us His Word of salvation. He came as a man and SPOKE these same Words to us and you think He is a weakling, at the mercy of man?
Holy shit you're a retard.
I'm not the one blaspheming God.
I'm not either.
Is this how you hide behind an argument is by saying the other person is "blaspheming God".
This is what you sound like on my end:
i'M a mAn oF gOd aNd iF yOu cHaLlEnGe aNyThInG I sAy yOu mUsT bE aN aThEiSt and bLaSpHeMeR oF GoD. mY wOrD iS aLwAyS GoD's wOrD.
You are right that man is evil. God gave us brains and discernment, yes. The information about the Bible and it's origins is so much more effed up then our election fraud, it is biblical. People have fashioned stories on how the Bible isn't real, those who've done there research know this is false. You think political things are the only things censored on the left's internet? The Bible has been preserved since the writings of Moses. They were kept on all sorts of written different methods, depending on the age in which they were written. What is true, and not necessarily thought about as often as it should be, is that Christianity (and Judaism pre-Christ) has been on the hairy edge of being wisped out.
If there was no God and no Jesus, there would be no need for the religion. People have attacked it so much throughout human history that it should have been destroyed.
The devil picked up on this trick, look at 1. Jews and 2. Muslims. Before Jesus, there were not groups of people worshiping the same god going in and out of near extinction. Now, we have 2 major groups, Jews, seen by the world as the sufferers, and if you attack Jews, you get attacked yourself, because they are viewed as "remnant people." Then you have Muslims, if you attack them, the world seems to attack you instead. There are a few exception to this, but in the majority.
Attacking Christians, who by in large, ought to have the most tolerant of all religious views, does not make any logical sense. A Christian's view is believe in Jesus as your Savior or you face eternal wrath, but there's no physical harm (while on earth that was "threatened") whereas the muslims say convert or die and Jews say, we will kill for the promised land.
This is what sets the Christian religion apart. Now if the God who is able to keep a religion like this alive, how is he not able to keep His written Word available, more importantly, if you are a Christian yourself, how could you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, but not believe he could / would have a written word to his people after he left. The Bible self proclaims, if what it says isn't true, then you are a fool to even believe any of what it says.
Final point: Cherry picking from the Bible, PET PEEVE of mine. Context, context, context. I know a lot of people (who claim Christianity) who've attacked by opinions on the Bible using 1 isolated verse with no relation (contextually) to the topic. [Example: "Minister" friend of mine says Jesus did not condemn the women whoring around with many men, therefore, LGBTQAIIP+ agenda should be embraced, Jesus never accepted her sins, he died to pay for them, but she ought to live a life of gratitude and live in accordance of God's word / law
I'm not saying the Bible and writings isn't real and I'm not attacking Christianity. I'm denying that we have a Syrian Bible from the 1st-2nd Century and that a remake from the 1800s claiming to be the Syrian texts from from the 1st-2nd Century is completely genuine. You need to learn how to read.
And YES the text from the Bible has been changed multiple times throughout the years. These subtle changes can give subtle differences in religious doctrines. WE HAVE MULTIPLE VERSIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS OF THE BIBLE IN THE SAME LANGUAGE FOR THIS REASON. Hebrew and Greek were not as expressive of languages as we have today, therefore the text is open to interpretation in windows.
There have also been cases of Catholic Popes changing the text of the Bible in order to fit their needs but if you circumvent to an earlier version of the Bible like the one I posted above, you can circumvent political edits.
This dumbfuck u/andyman45 seems to think if you just claim that a book written 200 years ago is the same as one written 1900 years ago then it must be real even if there is no way to compare the two. In order to compare 2 different bibles, you actually need those 2 different bibles.
What I think you don't understand is that all men will be judged, before God, by the Words written in that Book.
Revelation 20:12 KJV And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works
How many times did Jesus say it is written, to both satan and men accusing Him?
If we do not have His inerrant Word, as you believe, then we have NOTHING.
Never mind, the Holy Spirit is here to guide you into all truth, if you let Him.
You just sow doubt, like satan does.
I'm not sowing doubt you stupid fuck you just can't read.
An example of the post Christ destruction of Christianity was the rise of the catholic church, based on the (known faulty translation) Vatican II. If not for the reformation who brought many original catholic beliefs, as well as changed original catholic beliefs (these changes have prevented a 2nd type of catholic church) whereas those men fought for the beliefs, of those written closest in time to Christ and his direct church, which align with biblical truths, the martyrs of the 1600's and <100 AD were basically equivalent. They died for speaking the truth. Had God not intervened, Christianity would have died in both cases.
I think what we're seeing today is another time. Christianity is at a cross roads. Look how many churches accept gay pride, love sexual immorality, support abortions, support BLM, or any leftist agenda that runs opposite of what the Bible proclaims. This is no accident, the devil has taken the reins of many of these churches, and like America, the church is at a fork in the road. Does the church choose Christ, her groom? or does the church pick the devil's path to hell? I will fight with every fiber of my being to keep my church in the pathway of Jesus Christ. I will fight with every other fiber of my being to keep this country free from tyranny.