Had a shocker convo with a life-long friend of mine today. This is someone I've known since I was a single-digit-aged child. She's an M.D. and double Ph.D. - a very book smart lady - but asleep at the wheel on the 'awake' front.
We've clashed INTENSELY for many years over my passion for candidate / President / post-President Trump, as well as had a tear-filled major falling out recently over her getting vaxxed, despite the countless mounds of info I'd provided to her about it.
Well, get this! She called me today, after not speaking for months, and she went on a tirade about how our country is totally falling apart at the seams. She rattled off a litany of Biden failures, such as getting involved in the Ukraine sitch - pulling the USA into a war with Russia, crazy inflation, gas prices, stock market collapse (she's probably losing mega bucks), border invasion, etc. - all without me saying a single word about ANY of it! She even said that she thinks Biden getting our country thrust into Ukraine is just to protect Biden's dirty laundry and corruption with his son. My jaw was on the FLOOR!
I just listened and let her share her revelations. I was already stunned by her sudden awakening about a lot of this stuff, but she wrapped up her tirade with the most pivotal conclusion. She said, "NONE of this would be happening if Trump was still in office." Then she even rattled off x/y/z things that were "so much better when Trump was the president." I was so happy to hear her revelations and spark of awakening, it nearly brought me to tears.
I kidded, "Well, I was gonna stay FAR away from politics talking with you, but gee, now maybe we can discuss stuff like this without clashing." She replied, "No, I WANT to - I want to know what you know and what's really going on." I in no way rubbed her face in anything or did any type of "I told you so" digs whatsoever. It was a purely positive, constructive, non-combative conversation for the first time in many years.
We're going to get together tomorrow for the first time in many months. I'm looking forward to hearing about what she's figured out and heard/seen that's turned her head around, as well as share info with her to fill in some gaps and answer her many questions, now that she is actually INTERESTED.
Just wanted to share a sprinkle of good news that I've personally seen one hardened, TDS Trump-hater who has actually snapped out of the trance, thus proving it that is ACTUALLY possible. =-)
UPDATE: Had dinner with my 'recovering TDS lib' friend tonight. She wasn't in a good mood though and was very stressed. She had just closed on selling her house (which the property taxes had doubled within a single year - skyrocketing to $81K/year upon the re-appraisal!) and she was in the middle of moving. Plus, the police had recovered both of the stolen cars, but both aren't drivable and are in the shop. The (organized crime) gang who stole her primary car were using it to commit other crimes too, so there's all this drama about that too.
So she wasn't in the mood to talk to about any of this other stuff today - she just wanted to talk about all these other huge events going on in her life. But there will hopefully be more opportunities in the future to have a sit-down discussion about things. She doesn't live in my state, so it's only periodically that we get to see one another.
The only topic re: 'awakening' things that we really touched upon today was the 'vax', and (since she's an M.D. is VERY opinionated about it and claims that I "couldn't possibly know more about that than she does") that topic got rocky fast, so she cut that off.
I do think I've sent her so many heaps of info with real medical studies in there that it has convinced her not to get any boosters though. But since we had such a huge falling out about it once she got the first shot (J&J), I honestly don't think she would even tell me if she'd gotten any more injections of that stuff.
I work with MDs. I have realized that they are just as much asleep/sheeple as anyone else. Most MDs don't "practice medicine" anymore...they don't question things for themselves, but this is what Big Pharma/DS has been pushing for years.
There's a disturbing number of NPCs in the medical industry who just follow procedures without bothering to really understand the reasoning behind them. They're so ingrained with authority that they don't question the decisions of those that outrank them.
So true!!!
But I took a 50-page stack of Lewis Herms' vax flyer with the March 2022 "COVID death" stats in the UK showing a 10-to-1 ratio of vaxxed COVID patient deaths vs. un-vaxxed and gave it to my Chiropractor as hand-outs the other day. He was totally excited about it and put the stack of flyers on his front desk. He's as anti-vax as I am (and he loves POTUS Trump). =-)
Here's the link to the flyer/stats chart: https://freedominaction.net/proof/ and here's a link to Lewis Herms' interview with Nic Veniamin about it: https://rumble.com/v12ilk0-lewis-herms-discusses-u.k.-gov.-reveal-truth-on-vaccines-with-nicholas-veni.html
So true. My friend's daughter just graduated from med school at Stanford. My friend said that her daughter had to get vaxxed as a requirement of Stanford. And the family wasn't allowed to attend her graduation unless they got vaxxed.
The ENTIRE reason they got vaxxed was to attend their daughter's graduation! My friend even said the words, "She's being INDOCTRINATED at Stanford" - not realizing that she's acknowledging the brainwashing without even knowing it.
It sounds like she has reached her own precipice. She is living the result of Democrats poorly running a city(?) High crime and high property taxes - so bad that it is personally upending her life.
I will be very curious to see how her awakening evolves.