The stupid part is Netflix also has shows like Better Than Us which is a Russian SciFi show with so much testosterone and femininity its shocking. And not a single non-white in the whole show. I just saw it listed the other day.
And for the record they try to play off that the pregnant guy is really a man but some sort of virus or medical issue makes it possible for him to get pregnant. In the description it even says he's cis-gendered. In other words its not a trans show. Its a scifi show based on a manga from Japan.
No...just no.
But! You have to watch this social fiction in order be aware of the plea of the mentally insane or you literally are Hitler! /s
I guess i'm Hitler now
Aw guys, I want a hitler sticker too!
Maybe I should do a test? I have been that shape for a long time. I thought it was the beer!
It was. You are now expecting twin six packs
Randy is ready to take a shit.
Looks like a new world record.
In college town bars, young men have a new pickup line:
"I know we just met but I really want to get pregnant…"
The stupid part is Netflix also has shows like Better Than Us which is a Russian SciFi show with so much testosterone and femininity its shocking. And not a single non-white in the whole show. I just saw it listed the other day.
And for the record they try to play off that the pregnant guy is really a man but some sort of virus or medical issue makes it possible for him to get pregnant. In the description it even says he's cis-gendered. In other words its not a trans show. Its a scifi show based on a manga from Japan.
But yeah it seems like they are trying to piggyback trans BS onto a scifi plat so meh...
And the man and woman have the same hair cut and clothes. ….
Is this actually for real???
Yes. Maybe they took it down now. But it really was advertised on Netflx (coming soon)