Greetings, one and all. Welcome to my last and final post on this forum. Nope, not at all clickbaiting ya'll in here (anymore), as you can anyways tell by the (rather glaring) lack of my usual formatting technoglyphics in here. So this really is it. Consider this as being my farewell post, my data dump, as well as my very handover document, if you so will. And as many of you may have rightly guessed by now already, this is to be a succinct summary of ALL of my previous posts on here. A brief summary of all that I've attempted to bring to the very forefront of your (respective) consciousness(es) over the course of the past few weeks and months (or more) --- all in preparation for these very moments of great reckoning and changeover. And so, in the very greatest interests of humankind, I would ask that you find a way to secure a copy of this message in some way, shape, or form here; should you (or one of your loved ones) need it handily available for easy referencing at any given moment.
Consider this as being the complete Don Spectacularis 'Time Capsule', if you will. For nothing more even remains to be said in here now other than whatever it is that I've given to all of you in here already. So study it. Store it. Print it. Post it. Share it. Utilize it. And above all, actually, tangibly, physically, Use It. Also feel free to Save it, Bookmark it, Screenshot it, Capture it, Translate it, Screencap it, as also Share it --- absolutely wherever and however you so can. Because you (or one of your loved ones) will indeed need this thing handy someday, and someday quite so SOON at that. Feel absolutely free to readily (and handily) reference the following messageat any given time that you so need to - in order to sail as smoothly as possible through the 'Storm' - in turn also helping out all others that you so know of in sailing as smoothly as possible through it all in here as well. You could also perhaps consider Printing and Sticking it to your fridge; or maybe use (some of the advice provided here) as a Wall Poster; or even as a 'Sticky Note' upon your phone or PC nonetheless. For, trust me on this, right now may not be the very best (or wisest) time to rely merely on your own memory for the sake of (timely and accurate) remembrance of such things. Besides, something as easy and available as taking a simple screenshot (or copy-pasting this text) costs you virtually nothing, really. So why not make the most of it?
For indeed, it is my parting gift to one and all who tirelessly frequent this place. This includes all those who have so very beautifully supported me over the last few months, as also does it include all of my dedicated haters on here as well. And so, with that part being made real clear to one and all...
...Don Spectacularis out.
Enjoy the SHOW.
TL;DR: Alas, a TL;DR for such an article is straight up impossible to craft. But if I still had to make an attempt here regardless, try considering the idea that what will ride you out through the oncoming Storm (and well beyond it) is basically Love, (Inner) Joy, Kindness, Compassion, Forgiveness, and what is basically tremendous amounts of Inner Peace, Balanced-ness, Stability, and (both Inner and Outer) Wellbeing. And that if you are not naturally Strong, Balanced, Stable, Confident, Discerning, Wise, and Peaceful already (be it Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, or Spiritually) --- that right now is just about the perfect time to get yourselves started down that path (with regards to cultivating all of these things), once and for all. Now, whether you do so via learning Meditation, cool Self-Hypnosis Tricks (linked towards the end), or something else; that, my dearest frens, is all upto you and you alone.
And even though granted that we are now at the very eleventh hour with respect to many of these things; that to start NOW is still, let's just say, way, WAY better than never even having really BEGUN any of this all in the very first place (like most of our sleeper and NPC friends) to begin with! Hope this helps you (somewhat!) :)
And now, it (finally!) begins...!
As the first sparkling rays of sunlight begin to softly caress Planet Earth's lands this Fall, so too shall a massively spectacular storm begin to simultaneously gather both mass as well as momentum in its (most glorious) wake. For indeed, is this year's 'Fall' destined to be a whole lot more than just one that is (merely) metaphorical, or even simply literal, for that matter. And, as has so very often been repeated as of late, this particular Storm - the one for the (history) books, as some would put it - is one that is going to be Biblical.
For this particular 'Storm' in question is one that we have all come to know over the course of the last few years (or more), as that which is fondly known as, 'The Great Awakening'.
The Great Awakening
All shall be turned upside-down. All that remains shall be turned inside-out.
Unanticipated skeletons shall be seen tumbling out of unexpected closets.
Every riddle shall be provided a solution. Not a rat shall find any takers.
And all who have yearned to harm holy life upon this beautiful planet shall be (duly) taken to meet their maker.
And so it is.
And so it begins...
Needless to say, it will be chaotic.
Challenging? To say the very least.
(Potentially) stressful? You bet!
And yet, are not the shiniest of diamonds forged under the mightiest of pressures?
You are that diamond.
That unimaginable brilliance. That incomprehensible glory.
You are the One.
The ONLY ONE who could ever pull humanity safely and soundly through this all.
After all, God woke you up early for a reason.
No such thing as coincidences; remember?
Remember, remember.
And do take the lead (in guiding the sleeping masses back to love, light, joy, wisdom, healing, abundance, unity, and peace), wherever that you so can.
For indeed it is TIME.
Be the ONE.
(5D) Gameplay Tutorial: The Great Awakening
ONE: Attempt your level best to maintain your inner peace, sanity and stability at all times. Stay as calm, composed, cool, and confident as possible throughout all chaotic situations. Remember, the sleepers and the sheeple and the NPCs will all be following your lead and exemplifying your behaviour at the end of the day. So take the lead, and (energetically) dictate their behaviour accordingly.
TWO: See chaos, anger, rage or violence? Or someone desperately attempting to cause such? Send that place (or those people) your Love, your Light, and your very deepest Prayers. Also make it a point to always (and immediately) ask for Divine Assistance and Divine Intervention with regards to all such situations, for the very highest benefit of one and all. Then, watch as the situation resolves itself utterly miraculously in absolutely no time whatsoever! Just try it. (Always) works like a charm!
THREE: Keep approximately two weeks to a month of groceries, essentials etc. on hand (at the very least) during this time. Also do likewise for any other critical requirements such as medicines, batteries, candles, generators, tyres, etc. Re-check and re-verify your stock every now and then to make sure that it's all up-to-date and everything!
FOUR: Certain outside forces, activities, events, situations and people may begin to (seemingly) spiral out of control or go neck-deep into chaos, or even (certain degrees of) madness here as well. This is to be expected here (as a part-and-parcel of this whole mass awakening process). So relax; for this indeed won't last all that long. Once again, send these ones your Love, your Light, your Prayers, your Blessings and also your Peace. Also, don't forget to immediately request Divine Intervention and Assistance in this regard here as well --- for a thoroughly speedy, timely, and amicable resolution and recovery of such situations (for the highest good of all concerned) here!
FIVE: When the normies, sleepers, and NPCs begin to awaken en masse, our very first priority (as the awakened collective) would be to keep them calm, composed, and under control. For the last thing that we'd ever want on our hands here is a bunch of uncontrolled zombie NPCs set loose all over the place. And I'm talking here primarily of NPC zombies of the type that have been awakened all of a sudden, and who just so happen to also have been enraged beyond any and all reason, here. Basically, folks with zero self-control and zero self-awareness is what I'm primarily getting at, here; as also ones who just so happen to have zero self-awareness or zero real clues as to what's even really going on "out there", so to speak. To achieve this end, I'm giving you all a cool little formula in here (which will work absolute wonders for one and all --- take my word for it). That formula can be succinctly summed up as the '3Cs Of Awakening Assistance.'
In that the very 'first C' stands for 'Calm-down'. In that the more calm, cool, confident, composed, and cool (at-peace) you are, the easier your job even gets here. That's because all normies, sleepers, and NPCs have been permanently conditioned to take their cues from all others around them - not too different to how real life sheep tend to act, think, move, or behave, here. (Hence the reservation of the term 'sheeple' for them.) So, when they see you as being all calm, confident, cozy, composed, and chilled-out in here, they too will take their cues (from you) accordingly and mirror and mimic and reflect and replicate the same thereafter out of sheer HABIT alone. Make no mistake, they all will indeed ultimately have to come to terms with ALL of the given uncomfortable truths (at a mental / emotional / spiritual level) eventually; and yet, for the time being at least, major crises will be averted here through this surprisingly simple tactic and (in-active) action of yours. Never ever underestimate the power of calmness, confidence and pure be-ing! Think of this as something that is a helluva lot like a 'controlled demolition' of sorts - so to speak - in which the control button is basically your own calm and collected radiance. The rest will resolve on its own. This concludes the very first C.
The 'second C' in here stands for 'Console'. For yes, you will indeed have to console these ones and be kind towards them in general here (even though you may be highly tempted to do otherwise), and for your own good (and everyone else's highest good) at that. The reason for this I've already explained just a few lines above. So less logic, debates, reprimands, scoldings, and "I told you so's"; and more of that empathy, compassion, and, if needed, more of those hugs here please.Think of this as your entire life's ultimate Emotional Intelligence (or EQ: Emotional Quotient) test. Besides, forever remember that we all are in this storm together; and once the storm passes, all we will ultimately have is each other. Never ever forget that, and consider your moves here accordingly. And, in case you still want to scold and / or reprimand them, at least see if you can be just a tad bit more considerate here, and reserve it for laters once the dust (that has been stirred up by the said storms) has at least settled for a bit; and the massively bitter impacts (of the said storms) have been somewhat digested, absorbed, and dealt with accordingly. But, in all likelihood, you yourself would not want to do that here ultimately, because merely seeing their guilt for all that they've allowed to happen and fester within this world of ours - or done to innocents, to themselves, and also to you - would likely be more than enough of a harsh punishment for them anyways. As always, kindness goes a long, long way here. Besides, in the end, you get and reap from the world what you give and sow in it. Love, Kindness and Compassion reaps more of the same. The polar opposites of those things, naturally end up yielding you (the polar opposite types and varieties of) such results and experiences here accordingly. Cause and effect. Karma. So please, treat them the way that you'd want THEM (to have) treated you in here, as if you were all in each other's shoes for a bit, here. And that is all that can even really be said here.
Now, the last and final 'C', the 'third C' here, stands for 'Compact-ify'. In the simplest of terms, what I'm asking you all to do in here is to keep what you have to tell them Short, Simple, Succinct, and To-the-point (for the time being in here at least). In short, keep things Compact, Easy, and Simple-To-Grasp, at least for now. Because simply going through and overburdening them with endless (and rather complex) dosages of info at this time is essentially a lost cause; not to mention quite illogical, extreme, and unnecessary here in any case. So save those deep and twisted rabbit holes (for them to explore) for laters. Just give them all a compact gist of what's really even going on out there - and also some ideas as to what they can or can't do next (to get one and all through to the other side) - in as Short and Simple and Clear and Crisp a way that you can quite possibly so put it. And, if they still keep on asking for more, just give them (some of that) info bit-by-bit and morsel-by-morsel, like how you would spoon feed a baby, essentially. Finally, try not to spoon-fed these ones with regards to literally everything, obviously; for they too have to learn as to how to do their own research, here. They too have to learn the arts, sciences, and 'ropes' of discernment, here; both by themselves, as well as for themselves. And also do they (very much so) need to develop their own inner abilities to sniff out the truth (from that which is not of the very highest truth, here); all as a part and parcel of their very own journeys of growth and evolution here no less.
So at best (and as and when the dust settles down considerably); you can give them a few links or two to get started with, here. And - as for the rest of it - you must then leave it to them to figure out and learn by (and for) themselves as to how to even really do all of this; for indeed are there no real "short cuts" to learning any of this stuff, here. It just has to be done the hard way, much like you and I have done in our own unique journeys towards awakening, discernment and (self) expansion, here.
I mean, there ARE pedophiles that are poisoning your planet, raping children, and causing more division than you and I can fathom; and they've been doing it for centuries.
Approximately 460,000 children are reported missing in the US every year. More than any other country in the world. Yes, that means we have a problem bigger than in 3rd world countries. When is it appropriate to start calling people names if the politicians dont work? If that's too mean, dont read anything written by Jefferson!
We're not sending them to GITMO to sing kumbaya and have therapy sessions. That's the reality of the situation. These people are bad.
We banned someone for saying that we need to start killing Groomers. Like that's a call to action for violence. Saying your going to break the Democrats skull and shatter them into the wind is violent. Calling the people "Sheeple" who call for us to lose our jobs, our bank accounts, and be tortured in concentration camps, all because they cant stop watching "Late Night TV Joke Man" for news, is not violent. That's barely standing up for yourself if you think about it (you know, sticks and stones n' all)
I'll tell you something that concerns me, I see people getting complacent since Biden lowered gas prices with our emergency reserves. Who would've thought some sunshine and under $5.00/gal gas would cause people to forget and get comfortable? They really have a spell on our people, and calling these people Demon's shouldn't hurt your feelings, friend.
You miss my point. Dividing the US up into republicans and democrats and then blaming the other for everything is just divisive. And it plays right into their hands, since keeping us divided and fighting each other is exactly what they want. And this is only one example. Practically every other post on here is blaming “the Democrats” for something. Let me tell you, GHW Bush was one of the most evil mofos around. Along with his son. Then there is McCain, Nixon and etcetera. The truth is that no one gets to play in the big leagues (politics, movies, business...) UNLESS they are in the pedo club. I am tired of the nonsense.