You don't have to go to the theater to see 2000 Mules.
For $20 you can watch it on any web browser at home.
They're going to open the dashboard 3 days before the event so you can test your devices and make sure you can watch.
I am going to wait until it makes it to the "dollar cinema" or Dinesh puts it up for free online. I understand they spent a good chunk of the soon to be worthless fedpetronotes to investigate and produce this documentary, but I do not have to see it to know what happened.Hell, in a moment of accidental honesty , paedojoe told us long before the actual election. If enough people see it that actually helps those sworn to uphold the rule of law to actually do their sworn duty, HALLELUJAH. If not the thrill ride towards the precipice continues. I am moderately hopeful that I will still be drawing air into these bloody windbags then. If not, I am less moderately hopeful that I will be able to observe it from where-ever it is that my consciousness eventually migrates. The geopolitical situation is dwarfed by another cosmic geological situation in the not too distant future. My part in this global play is minuscule as I usually am but an offstage observer. One thing for certain is that where we go one, we go all.
“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” —Joe Biden
Check your local cinema for certain times you get in much cheaper. My local theater offers Tuesday night a considerable discount. Before Covid it was $5.00 on Tuesday nights.