The woefully sad face of the Blob fish, which looks to me to be a fish-human hybrid creature crafted in an underground lab facility such as in Dulce New Mexico or similar. These Deep-State-Funded scientists are splicing and dicing as they attempt to make a human-like creature which can survive underwater. The fish seems to possess the ability to understand its predictament and is in a state of hideous realization that it is a human brain inside a low level fish.
The woefully sad face of the Blob fish, which looks to me to be a fish-human hybrid creature crafted in an underground lab facility such as in Dulce New Mexico or similar. These Deep-State-Funded scientists are splicing and dicing as they attempt to make a human-like creature which can survive underwater. The fish seems to possess the ability to understand its predictament and is in a state of hideous realization that it is a human brain inside a low level fish.
What a horror.