This is a fascinating book that talks about many of the underlying mechanics behind what we're going through right now:
He was mentored by Freud.
At some point, Freud appears to have been compromised by the cabal. But this guy stayed in the main track.
He's been describing Nazi Germany's fall into fascism and how the "drones" gladly gave up their freedom because high politics conditioned them to be dependent - in large part through sexual repression.
Anyway, there's a line that jumped out at me tonight and i wanted to share:
"Preaching about freedom leads to fascism unless a consistent and determined effort is made to inculcate in the masses of people a willingness to assume responsibility for everyday life, and unless there is an equally consistent and determined fight to establish the social preconditions for this responsibility."
Sound like the Q operation to anyone else?
The book is by Wilhelm Reich, a rising star in the early psychoanalytic movement and who eventually became a strong proponent of freedom (and a believer in orgone energy, related to orgasms and other controversial ideas), and -- surely for his strong pro-freedom stance and possibly also for his theories and practice, was arrested, convicted, and imprisoned -- here in America. He died in a federal prison in 1957 at the age of 60.