Roe will be used by the left to silence the news cycles. It will dominate the headlines for the next couple of months.
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Looks like they have some real data
They do. I just saw it. True the Vote has done some real heavy lifting, amassing multiple petabytes of cell phone data, inside geofenced areas of major metro areas in swing states, tracking individual ballot mules between many ballot boxes and the nonprofit "stash houses" that collect trafficked ballots. They also have a cooperating witness who did some mule work and is now talking. Even with conservative estimates of the number of mules tracked, (and not even all of them - just the worst offenders) the average number of drop boxes they visited with the average (conservative) number of ballots dropped off at each, over time, was enough to flip the election from potatus to Trump. Particularly in Atlanta, Pfilthydelphia, and Arizona.
What were the reactions of the people during the show? Sat quietly? Reacted with clapping, cheers,jeers? How about after the movie?
It was quiet through most of the film, which had, I think, more to do with the audience paying attention and not wanting to miss any details by extraneous reactions. There were some gasps when actual cheating was demonstrated. There wasn't much in the presentation I hadn't already heard about, but the biggest punch in the gut for me was seeing just HOW MUCH coordinated cheating was going on. It was massive. One round of cheering at the end when Dennis Praeger, who had earlier said he was agnostic about all of the allegations, angrily pounded the arm of his chair and said something to the effect of, "I'm convinced! I'm going to fight the left with every fiber of my being!" Big round of cheers and applause for that. Then the chants of "USA, USA" and "Let's go, Brandon" got started. Ordinarily this would have been annoying, but here it seemed to fit. And it was the very end of the movie, so no harm done. Afterwards, there were a few local pols out in the lobby that folks were talking to. And there didn't seem to be any presence of leftie baddies on the scene, which was a relief as I live in a Dominion blue state.
Thank you! I am sooo looking forward to seeing it tomorrow night with friends. I am in central FL and our shows are sold out.