We ain't seen nothing yet! We're about to see a level of demonic energy unleashed upon our country the likes of which NONE of us have ever witnessed! BUT GOD IS GOOD and WE WILL WIN! They are the culture of DEATH, and we bring LIFE and LIGHT to the world!
SCOTUS is ready to overturn Roe vs Wade!!! This is unprecedented - a Supreme Court Draft was LEAKED!! This is really happening!
If there is a draft leakage from SCOTUS it is purely to get their REEEE machinery primed up, just in case it goes that way. I dont think they would write it up in a draft and keep it around, esp for something this important.
Right ...
Covering their bases if they get caught in their lies
Just remember that Mike Pence never denied the charges against him by Lin Wood. kek
I would not get too excited just yet. I remember when the ACA was before the court and everyone was confident that it would be struck down only to have Roberts do backflips to uphold it? The reality about SCOTUS is that you never know for sure which way the court will rule until it is released. So until then, I am not going to speculate one way or the other as to how the decision will come down - especially if he leak is coming from Politico.
"It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings." And she hasn't yet sung.