Oh the beautiful timing, as the Supreme Court starts wrapping up the ultimate Mother’s Day gift.
This is the answer to millions upon millions of prayers, including the prayers of 50 million murdered babies in the US alone.
Don’t fret about protests, journalists’ outrage, threats of retribution … God’s intervention cannot be defeated with a couple million Karens with signs.
Thank DJT. Thank RBG for not leaving while Obama was in office. Thank the newest Justices who have been so maligned by the Right. And thank God. Endlessly.
Skepticism is the right stance. When the crowd goes nuts, elated in joy, thinking that something wonderful is about to happen, it's the soldiers, the one tasked with maintaining a steady head, who must hold the ground.
Until it's confirmed, then the soldier's stance should be watching over the crowd, looking just in case something untoward happens. When it's confirmed, then the soldier can rest his weapon, relax, and smile along with everyone else. Until then, he (she) has the responsibility to keep the watchful eye.
We do not yet know enough details about this information. Moreover, we do not yet know the WHY behind it. The timing seems terribly suss. 2000 Mules is about to be launched. This decision, if put out now, would be like bomb dropped into the News Cycle. At a minimum, because the story was reportedly leaked via Politico, I'm inclined to consider the purpose of the leak is nefarious.
So, pedes should be MORE vigilant now than ever. The civilians (normies) can indulge in all sorts of celebrations, expectations and hopes. I guess that's the benefit of being a normie. But pedes should stand to attention, and cast around wary eyes. If not us, then who?
Now, all that said, this is not to discount the fact that if indeed the SC overturns the case, and kicks the issue back to the states, that this would be an absolutely watershed moment, representing the real demise of the Deep State. After the US being under a spirit of complete darkness and evil for half a century, it would represent throwing off that evil, allowing amazing things to unfold. Think spiritual domino effect.
Nonetheless, RTT's stance is the right one, imo. Anons are the front line.