After reading this post it dawned on me that 2,000 Mules was BAIT, and lookie what we caught! A SCOTUS leak about Roe v Wade. I'm still gonna watch the movie but damn this is top kek. That play the cabal made right there was very costly I believe
edit- this could lead to the exposure of corruption within SCOTUS, something the cabal DO NOT WANT. It would be very disarming for them
edit2- IF white hats were responsible for this leak, my theory is kind of out the window. I don't see them doing this but who knows
edit3! - Military is the only way? - Devin Nunes on TruthSocial: "With this leak, the Supreme Court has been completely compromised." -
4 - @JuliansRum "Don’t rule out the possibility that this was an illegal surveillance operation instead of a leak."
I'm not following you. Please explain it to me (like I'm 5 yo). Because you may be on to something here but I can't quite wrap my head around it. Thanks.
Dinesh Dsouza hypes this movie up to the level of "It's gonna blow the roof off election fraud". The cabal sees this imminent threat and is compelled to create a distraction big enough to cloud it out. Remember, all of MAGA has been hyping this nonstop too. So however long from when 2,000 Mules was making enough noise in MAGA, til the release date, was the time the cabal had to plan something. Remember, they are used to planning shit out for years. The rush helps destabilize their plots and makes it easier to figure out for us.
How is them getting an early jump on the outrage over a possible Court decision they don't like destabilizing their plans? If anything this is a huge boon to them, because you're now given them some motivation coming into an election that should have been the most demoralizing one from them since Walter Mondale.
Because it screws over rinos who now have to push left right before GOP midterms. Rinos like Collins and Murokowski don't like talking about abortion. They try to always take a "it's already been decided so there is no use discussing" it stance. Now the Leftist the so-called "moderate" rinos have to pick a side on abortion right before GOP primary season. This is a disaster for them.
It doesn't help the Left. Abortion never helps the Left. Long before I ever looked into Q I analyzed elections and worked to predict outcomes. Leftists never got mid terms. They always think "well we cheated in 2008 and 2012" so we can just cheat to victory in midterms, right? Then they get curbstomped (2010, 2014). They cheated hard in 2018 and the best they got was the House when they desperately wanted the senate. They actually lost senate seats in 2018 (which is insane when the president is of the opposite party).
Even Leftists never bother doing research on how the cheat actually works on their side so they're always stunned when midterms just ended up a huge bitch-slap for them. The idiots secretly think "Can't we just cheat like in presidential elections?"
Lol, no. And because of their ignorance they don't get why.
Abortion never galvanizes their base. It's a heavily astro-turfed issue by the MSM. They've tried over and over to energize their base with it and it falls flat.
They did better with Me Too because it tapped into the "victim" mentality, but even that petered out within a 3-4 months.
Outrage that pushes rinos left right before midterms does NOT help Leftists. They want demoralizing "let's try be liberal" rinos to get through. This hurts that big time.
Abortions are obsolete. Everyone knows how to avoid a pregnancy and this will actually help push the issue of being more responsible. No more secret nights hiding having sex, even for good kids and young adults during the sex revolution.
Science itself has lended very simple and should be OTC drugs to stop ovulation.
Then again, it’s no longer the sexual revolution. The boomers care about sex and abortion.
Young people now have less sex than their parents, maybe even now. Birth rate plummeted.
Holding off on families while traveling or developing hobbies and a career.
It’s not the 70s I don’t give a shit about abortion. Go get a temp clamp placed under local anesthetic and use spermicidal gel, like 99% effective.
Take a pill.
This is just stupid, abortion rates have dropped with the birth rates and soon there will naturally be no abortions.
Next gen science will find a way to turn off ovulation through epigenetic control.
Genes are like lines of code, put a stop sequence and when you want to have kids have a start code.
Then we won’t worry about any of this half century ago stuff.