Christine Lagarde is 66 years old. When is her time?
This slippery slope mentality will expand exponentially to include many other categories that people of her ilk will decide no longer benefit society.
Who will they start with first? The handicapped, the mentally ill, the medically infirm, or anyone on welfare?
What about all those in prison for felony convictions?
What about stopping all entitlements for government officials, such as cushy retirement funds, secret service protection, etc.?
Frankly, if we divvy up all the multi-million-dollar offshore accounts of government officials who took payola, we could pay down the collective debt and alleviate this whole debacle.
Christine Lagarde is 66 years old. When is her time?
This slippery slope mentality will expand exponentially to include many other categories that people of her ilk will decide no longer benefit society.
Who will they start with first? The handicapped, the mentally ill, the medically infirm, or anyone on welfare?
What about all those in prison for felony convictions?
What about stopping all entitlements for government officials, such as cushy retirement funds, secret service protection, etc.?
Frankly, if we divvy up all the multi-million-dollar offshore accounts of government officials who took payola, we could pay down the collective debt and alleviate this whole debacle.