We don't know the Roe / Wade decision. We have a leaked draft that would be used if it went one way.
Not enough people get this.
Yes, and there's a LOT more celebrating than makes sense considering that no ruling has yet been issued. The "overturning" may not actually happen.
I just invented a word.
I don't understand your response, g8rb81. My point was only that I keep seeing posts and articles celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade even though it hasn't yet happened and may very well NOT happen. In other words, I agree with the sentiment in your post; hence I began my comment with "Yes".
Possibly my brain isn't wrinkled enough. 😂
It wasn't you. My original assessment was correct. Your brain is rough as a cob. I still take credit for "wrinklebrain" though. I think the other one has "declared victory and abandoned the field".
It IS a fun coinage.