We can’t really be sure what inspired Chelsea Manning to share this advice, but we do know we certainly agree with it:
for those of you who are just catching up: if you are able to afford it, and if it is safe for you to do so, you should consider arming yourselves, then finding others to train with in teams and learn how to defend your community—we may need these skills in the very near future
— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) May 3, 2022
When it comes to safely armed and responsible citizens, the more the merrier!
There’s some speculation that Manning’s tweet was spurred by yesterday’s SCOTUS leak that could potentially mean the end of Roe v. Wade:
Is the implication here that overturning Roe v Wade would incur civil war? If so, does someone have a broad-brush-stroke sense of how that chain of events might unfold?
— James Maskill (@maskillj) May 3, 2022
Good question.
Best answer (and trust us, we had to scroll through a whole lot of “interesting” to get to it):
No. It sends it to the state legislature. Some states will end up with abortion regulations that cover up until birth(CA, NY). Others will have laws like Texas. This is fear mongering before the midterm election. It distracts low information single issue voters from other issues.
Bradley Manning touches on something worth pondering tho, something the sane among us need to keep in the back of our minds, be aware of the fact of it.
That is, IF SHTF urban areas will be very very dangerous. People who have experienced collapsed Societies, such as in Ukraine during hillary's wars there or in Bosnia/old Yugoslavia say... people in those places who survived primitive conditions under duress speak of the need to 'fort up' in urban areas. Gangs and such operate in herds, a single Family of 4,5,7 people may not have enough numbers to survive against outside threats.
So in urban areas you would need to join into at least small groups, enough to defend a large house or apartment building maybe, or even defend your entire block or a couple of streets. Yeah, what gangs do.
This isn't such a problem for those of us out in the woods, we don't have hundreds of gangbangers nearby, we don't have yuge population densities crowded in on top of each other and we already have built in defenses readied, many of us anyhow. One thing about having land and tractors and heavy equipment is we can build a berm or block a road just that quick...
But in town y'all are gonna have problems when the left comes marching by, ask the people who suffer from mostly peaceful rioting right now or in recent months.
So, have yourself a Plan, KNOW what you need to do, what you 'can' do, if that means Boogaloo then get that done. Plan who you might trust, who you might join with to defend against gangs and corrupt government. Figure how you will get water and food, how you'll travel when you need to travel. My Lovely Wife and I have educated our kids- all city dwellers - on a lot of things they can do to help themselves, and we've established supplies out here for all of us, because we expect them to come running out here. So we have extra water filters, extra rations, extra meds, extra weapons....
Do those types of things, ponder on what 'your' situation might be and prepare for it. Not just guns and ammo, tho every person who survived a collapsed Society says weapons are important. But foods, water, meds, supplies of all kinds need to be planned and prepared.
We already are a lawless Society, sanctuary city cops and mayors, a double damned corrupt Federal government which coddles terrorists and leaves our borders open to invasion, gangbangers running loose because government empties jails, terrorist leaders such as obama actively calling for rioting in the streets (yesterday).... and it can only get worse.
Bradley Manning has no clue but even that sick pervert knows enough to prepare, Do It!
And Pray for Humanity.