Naughty Nato! Staggering information is coming out of Turkish media outlets today claiming that at least fifty (50) senior officers of the French military, are trapped underground at the Azovstal steel mill plant in Mariupol Ukraine, surrounded by Russian troops.
🧠 Ces gens sont stupides!
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I suspect that when the steel plant in Mariupol is finally defeated we will find out that it is a top secret NATO MILITARY COMMAND AND CONTROL BASE to direct the invasion of Russia during what was supposed to be the reign of queen Hillary but was prevented by the election of TRUMP. This was in the planning since the fall of the Berlin wall to provoke Russia to act in self defense so the main stream media could howl about Putin being an aggressor. This is very clearly a deep state operation to destroy RUS by the Khazarian Mafia Cabal.
Its receiving way too much military attention to simply be a steel factory
It is a steel factory. The Azov battalion has retreated to it, presumably to hide in its air raid shelters and tunnels. The attention is on account of them. But they have effectively entombed themselves. The Russians are systematically demolishing any buildings they appear in.
Putin wasn't in power until 10 years after the wall came down. It had zero to do with him. Maybe Russia being an aggressor, but not Putin (at least for 10 years).