You can also appeal emotionally. This works quite well on lefties.
"See this image of a young person who survived a botched abortion and is enjoying life? Look them in the eyes and tell them it was ok for someone to try to kill them."
If they are hyper-left and pushing identity politics, it’s possible to use black abortion against them and make THEM seem like the ones who don’t care about blacks. The statistic that more black babies are aborted every year than are born is a good one for that. It’s gotta be hard for someone to argue that this is a good thing.
You can also appeal emotionally. This works quite well on lefties.
"See this image of a young person who survived a botched abortion and is enjoying life? Look them in the eyes and tell them it was ok for someone to try to kill them."
If they are hyper-left and pushing identity politics, it’s possible to use black abortion against them and make THEM seem like the ones who don’t care about blacks. The statistic that more black babies are aborted every year than are born is a good one for that. It’s gotta be hard for someone to argue that this is a good thing.