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I don't know where that is happening. It isn't happening where I live, nor anywhere I have been in the past two years or so. I hear it's a big problem in SF (which I avoid like the plague), but as far as I'm concerned, SF is Gomorrah. It is ready to be destroyed in the Apocalypse.
Most people associate CA with SF, or LA. While LA has a lot of people, it is no where near as bad as SF, and SF has less than 2% of the total CA population.
In short, CA is not SF. SF IS a shithole, but its total area is not even a smidge of the CA area, and its population is barely more.
Yeah SF is shit. Most of California is actually nice, just not the cities which is true for most places. San Diego seems to be about the only city that isn't a hell hole out there..haha.
But for the street shitting, I've seen it in LA, SF, and Sacramento.
I am in Sacramento often (very often). I know many, many people who work and/or live and/or visit the downtown area daily. I have seen no street shitting. I have heard of zero street shitting. That doesn't mean no one has ever shat on the streets in Sac, but it is far from common, and I've never heard of it happening there.
I am not in LA, but I know people who live there. I've never heard of it happening there either. Again, that doesn't mean it's never happened, and it's only anecdotal, but I doubt it is ubiquitous. If it is a problem in LA, well, LA is absolutely massive (at least what people call "LA"), so perhaps it is a problem on some block somewhere, but it is almost certainly not a wide spread problem there; or at least I have never heard of it.
SF on the other hand, is truly a shithole, figuratively and actually. It needs to burn in hell.
As for the general sentiment of "the cities being 'not nice'", my comment was an attempt to indicate that there are a lot more people that are less NPC than you might think, according to my experiences. More people are afraid to speak up, afraid of being ostracized for seeing that something's wrong, than actual NPCs. In other words, the NPCs, the believers, the kool-aid drinkers/pushers, are the minority, even in those places that seem otherwise (except maybe SF, which I avoid like the plague).
I fully believe you're right about about npc's. People need to grow a pair and step up before it's too late. It's just like the whole tranny shit...these people would have you believe 1 in 3 people in the US are trannies with how hard they push this degenerate shit. They make up such a small fraction of a percentage of the population. I feel similar is true for actual npc's and real biden voters in general.
I have to frequent California for work fairly often and I dread it every time I go. It's a shame that 4 families have been allowed to plunge California into its current state over the past 60 or so years.
I'm headed to San Jose in less than a month....I hope the fact that it's so close to SF isn't an indicator of what's to come. I actually haven't been there before so I'm hoping it's decent.
Side note, I'm currently in D.C. and it's starting to look like California here....every park has homeless with tents setup...it's not spilled onto the sidewalks here yet but man it wasn't like this the last time I was here. It's so shameful that we have billions of tax dollars to send to fucking Ukraine but can't help our own citizens right here on the doorstep of the nation's Capitol. Makes me absolutely sick.
I used to live in San Jose. It's a really big place, with all sorts of different micro-cultures, so it probably depends on where you are going.
I personally haven't been to San Jose since Covid started, though I have some relatives that still live there. They are somewhere in between. Kinda NPC, but not fully libtarded, but they have always been that way, like, since I was little, so it's tough to say. On the other hand I have other relatives (same side of the family) that also used to live there, and they are totally based. They currently live in Redding though, so who knows.
It isn't that we "can't," it is by design. The homeless problem is purely intentional. It is the path into the Great Reset. We must have a complete destruction of society, and mass homelessness is part of the game.