There is a huge coincidence in terms of time line that I find very interesting. We all know about the coming financial collapse to end the central banking system. Gold standard, Petro dollar - all these are related to this. What if abortion is as well ?
1971 - Nixon took US off gold standard
1971 - 1973 - Oil crisis (orchestrated no doubt) leading to petro-dollar
1971 - Roe vs Wade argued
1971 - Nixon launches his famous "War on Drugs"
1973 - Abortion forcefully made legal in every state in US
1973 - DEA created.
My thesis - When US went off the gold standard they needed something to back it.
Ostensibly it was Gas that backed the dollar.
Most smart anons already know drugs were part of this.
But what if selling baby parts was the third pillar to prop up paper dollars in a ponzi economic system?
Last year we saw the fall of Myanmar and Afghanistan, dismantling of opium production.
This year Russia is bringing Gold standard back and is destroying petro-dollar.
Now we are seeing Roe vs Wade being overturned?
Is this all a coincidence?
RvW was in reality the old federalists trying to come back and "win" the civil war by removing the rights of states to write their own laws and not be subject to every whim of every government agency.
And again the Left has hidden the real issue, the consolidation of power away from states to the federal agencies, under the mask of a human rights issue.
Remember the south "won" the civil war by losing every battle, because by the time the fighting was over the Union was willing to give up the power grab the Congress had tried to make over States Rights that caused the damned war in the first place. In the the rights of states to write their own laws was maintainted, and reconstruction completely failed.
Incidentally enough, they don't teach this in schools now. They want you think it was 100% over slavery, when a bunch of obsolete farm hands (the new industrial machines was making manual harvesting a thing of the past) was the last thing anybody was thinking about. It was notable only in the last months of the war did Lincoln give the Gettysburg address.
This is also the reason for the screeching from the Left. It took 120 years for the Federalists to play enough politics to "win" the civil war with Roe vs Wade. Now its being undone.
Absolutely none of these people give a flying fuck what happens to the unborn babies of "commoner" women. They would have soon kill the baby and the mother for their trouble.