I had the flu the spring before Covid then I got Covid during the “delta” wave along with my husband and 11 yr old daughter. It was very similar to the flu at first but then after a week when I thought I was getting better I started to get worse more fever then vomiting and then diarrhea. I had a pulse oximeter at home that I was using the day I finally broke down and went to the hospital my O2 was at 86 - it was awful, I was so miserable. And I had ZERO congestion and no coughing just all of a sudden my oxygen levels went down. This didn’t happen for my husband he had the flu like symptoms but could still get up and function- mostly which when he’s had the flu before he was in bed for days (when he was in his 30s ) my daughter had a runny nose for a few days and that was it. So yes it’s similar, but it’s not “the flu”.
Some people are still doing this “it doesn’t exist” bull shit? Amazing…
I had the flu the spring before Covid then I got Covid during the “delta” wave along with my husband and 11 yr old daughter. It was very similar to the flu at first but then after a week when I thought I was getting better I started to get worse more fever then vomiting and then diarrhea. I had a pulse oximeter at home that I was using the day I finally broke down and went to the hospital my O2 was at 86 - it was awful, I was so miserable. And I had ZERO congestion and no coughing just all of a sudden my oxygen levels went down. This didn’t happen for my husband he had the flu like symptoms but could still get up and function- mostly which when he’s had the flu before he was in bed for days (when he was in his 30s ) my daughter had a runny nose for a few days and that was it. So yes it’s similar, but it’s not “the flu”.