Yeah,...yeah, it's NEOCONS fomenting the war and plotting a false flag nuclear attack, Ollie. The neocons in the White House, the neocons controlling the House majority and even the Senate?
You spent several fat paragraphs depicting the democrat/deepstate tactic of accusing Russia of anything and everything, setting the stage for public opinion to blame RUSSIA for detonating the coming nuke, not us. Then in the final sentence you ascribe it to "neocons"?
Yeah,...yeah, it's NEOCONS fomenting the war and plotting a false flag nuclear attack, Ollie. The neocons in the White House, the neocons controlling the House majority and even the Senate?
You spent several fat paragraphs depicting the democrat/deepstate tactic of accusing Russia of anything and everything, setting the stage for public opinion to blame RUSSIA for detonating the coming nuke, not us. Then in the final sentence you ascribe it to "neocons"?