Oh no, those honest people that have been thrown out of 109 countries are just being victimized again, right.
Lets see if this gets me banned again for not being in love with the bankers.
I believe the reason for that is because the Khazarian Mafia deep state criminals were not eradicated. I believe the entire world would look much better if the people had the stomach to rid the world of that trash. The synagogue of Satan claims to be Jewish, but are not.
If one is to stand back and look at a wider perspective, we will see that those known as "The Name Stealers" are being dragged into the spotlight and from behind their usual defences, perhaps them and their history is due to be the focus of the world's attention in the very near future?
Oh no, those honest people that have been thrown out of 109 countries are just being victimized again, right. Lets see if this gets me banned again for not being in love with the bankers.
I believe the reason for that is because the Khazarian Mafia deep state criminals were not eradicated. I believe the entire world would look much better if the people had the stomach to rid the world of that trash. The synagogue of Satan claims to be Jewish, but are not.
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My comment has zero to do with Jews, but I think it's a bit strange OP not only believes that "QAnon" is a thing but also that it's a singular person.
IKR but sadly, i can't change it.
If one is to stand back and look at a wider perspective, we will see that those known as "The Name Stealers" are being dragged into the spotlight and from behind their usual defences, perhaps them and their history is due to be the focus of the world's attention in the very near future?
Israeli soldiers in Ukraine