The Tweet by Special forces opens up a new whole can of worms for the Deep State. I think we will see many scurrying for cover of darkness in the next few weeks.
Just looked up what happened on January 17th 2014. Suicide bombing that killed 21 including a few prominent people linked to the UN and IMF. Interesting that kabul is in the news in 2014 then again recently. Same thing with Ukraine..
Ok wait, the suicide bombing happened on the 17th, then the Ukraine revolution in Kiev happened one month later. Will have to look into the people that were killed in the bombing on the 17th and see if there's any connection to Ukraine. Probably nothing but maybe something.
The Tweet by Special forces opens up a new whole can of worms for the Deep State. I think we will see many scurrying for cover of darkness in the next few weeks.
[they] can run and hide all [they] want. [they]'ll just die tired.
Irregular bread and circuses.
Just looked up what happened on January 17th 2014. Suicide bombing that killed 21 including a few prominent people linked to the UN and IMF. Interesting that kabul is in the news in 2014 then again recently. Same thing with Ukraine..
Ok wait, the suicide bombing happened on the 17th, then the Ukraine revolution in Kiev happened one month later. Will have to look into the people that were killed in the bombing on the 17th and see if there's any connection to Ukraine. Probably nothing but maybe something.
That's not the kind of ghosts most people would even think about. They should've posted a clip from Ghost Recon. That would've been more accurate.
Could Mission 5 be starLINK sent to Ukraine by Musk?