Is it possible that Roe V Wade overturning being leaked is a chess move to compel Soros’ minions into acts of domestic terrorism? I seem to remember Q mentioning domestic terrorism as one of the qualifiers for devolution and I can’t think of an easier way to do it than with Roe V Wade. It’s quite possibly the only thing more ~~controversial~~ than race.
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We might actually have an insurrection on our hands this time.
An insurrection of BLM and leftist nutjobs that ironically get Trump installed? I think that would be utterly hilarious.
It would be a poetic end.
The lying goat is upside down. Lies are truth and truth 'disinformation'.
So their lying upside down plan was already a mirror of sorts.
They never expected to lose. So suddenly playing defense, they become the mirror to their own image reflected back by Team Q like a polished shield against the Gorgon.
They don't play defense.
But now, in theory, they are the ones forced to mirror their opponent in reaction.
If you keep copying every move of your opponent then not only are you one move behind, but soon you will be forced to stop and make a different move because you will either get a check or an attack. As per the standard rules, when you are in check you can’t make any move other than getting your king out of check.
And you can only castle your king once.
Unless you Bounce a Check which Evil is Great at!! 😂😂
It depends on if their checks from Soros bounce a week into the "Mostly Peaceful Protests"
If they stop getting paid, they'll disperse pretty quick.
At this point anything is possible and this will compel the leftist retards to do some crazy ass shit in the name of muh body.
Moves and Countermoves...
They took the bait!
Their knee-jerk reaction played right into the White Hats' plans
They don't have enough votes to codify R v W into law...(need 60 in Senate)
Riots, Looting and Chaos in Dem controlled cities
Round-Up the Insurrectionists; ANTIFA, BLM, Hired Thugs from Craigslist, Crisis actors) = RED4 - (See Below)
We're watching a movie...
Q Post 4414; June 4 2020
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1 USSS
I don’t think it’s more controversial than race, but Buy Large Mansions was kneecapped with the donations scandal and legal trouble. They couldn’t use that again