559 A real reaction to 2000 mules. Spread the word. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by bubble_bursts 2 years ago by bubble_bursts +559 / -0 96 comments download share 96 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Real question is, if you didnt believe there was wide spread fraud, and you were right-leaning or neutral, would it change your belief about the non existence of wide spread fraud?
I saw one twatter poster say exactly that. "if it was true, it would have been investigated and people would have been arrested"
They do exist though. My FIL insists there was no fraud. But he is an avid CNN/MSNBC indoctrinee.
oh yeah they fucking exist in HUGE numbers
need to get out of this echo chamber sometimes to witness. there are millions of bushies out there.
Yeah, he’s only one of about 600,000 people