A real reaction to 2000 mules. Spread the word.
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Nothing will happen until the entirety of society collapses, normies won’t give a shit about this movie but they will care when bread is 5-6 bucks a loaf and gas is almost 7 bucks a gallon and when shelves are butt ass empty.
I guess military really is the only way because nothing else is going to wake these idiots up.
My dem husband watched this today with me. I know he was surprised but then turned to me and says "still don't give a shit"! Yah I said, you don't give a shit about the 13% loss on our retirement accounts (we are retired), doesn't give a shit about 5$ a gallon gas, our the price of food, etc. Well, when he needs a plane ticket to fly 3k miles to see family, I don't think we'll have the money for that! And it just might be time to sell that pick up he loves so much bc we won't be able to fill up anymore. We'll see how much he cares then! (yes, I bit of hostility there)