Heated you say?...
August is traditionally very HOT 🔥🔥
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Maybe someone can correct me if this is wrong?
Didn't the judge just rule today that he's now looked through these documents and ruled AGAINST Durham being able to use them?
Saw an article on Politico about it. Sounds bad for us. But it's also Politico so I don't mean to treat this as a trusted source I just haven't heard anything about it here yet.
Just wondering if anyone else knows anything about this.
Not good.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Doesn't this ruling prevent Durham from using this case to lead to other indictments involved in the conspiracy because of what was in those documents?
Maybe there's another angle here I'm missing. Or something I don't understand.
I tried reading through the ruling but I honestly don't understand most of it.
Annoying that it's not being discussed here at all. The last 3-4 weeks this board seems to be all one-topic-at-a-time way more so than previous months.
Not necessarily a criticism, just an observation. Don't know what it means.
I imagine Durham expected pushback especially since rulings have mostly gone his way.
I think so as well.
I'm just wondering if anyone has any analysis on what that move may be.
I'm also wondering if the reason he hasn't gotten any pushback is because the judge knows this piece is the critical one.
And if that's the case, what the counter-move to this ruling is, as I would tend to believe that if this was not expected, it was at least planned for.
Damn purkiss! Do you ever sleep?
Lol...Sure...When I'm really tired...😉😎
It's May lol. You do know that right?
No shit Sherlock....
How could the judge look through 1400 pages in such a short period of time?
Yeah, kinda sounds like Obamacare. You have to pass it to find out what it says.