He is smart but he wants us to know it and brings in waay too much information just to prove it. I could slim his one hour sessions down to 15 minutes of necessary info so I get annoyed with his attention seeking.
Sharing data gathering methodology and historical background is now considered attention seeking?
Apparently this is what woke universities have done to us. We can no longer sit patiently through a lecture and absorb relevant and necessary framing for the thorough understanding of information.
We really need to work on our attention spans as a society if a one hour lecture is too much for the average learner.
He doesn't like that Clif provides a lot of context and relevant info to the primary claims he is making.
When I play a game, I don't just stick to the main story line, I like doing side quests to get a more robust experience. Clif does that with his anecdotes and general way of approaching topics.
I think Clif's anecdotes are even more interesting than his core subject matter sometimes. I would pay good money for a 12 hour lecture series on what this man knows.
Meh. Maybe you're projecting a bit here? I think this is simply the way the man's mind works. When you listen to his background, you can see that he's got genius levels of mental work going on there. Which is not to say that everything he says is perfectly true or accurate.
I don't feel like it's attention seeking at all. Rather, he is detailed and meticulous and likes precision. I find him quite easy to listen to, because of these aspects.
glad this is getting stickied. research who he is. pretty smart dude.
He is smart but he wants us to know it and brings in waay too much information just to prove it. I could slim his one hour sessions down to 15 minutes of necessary info so I get annoyed with his attention seeking.
Sharing data gathering methodology and historical background is now considered attention seeking?
Apparently this is what woke universities have done to us. We can no longer sit patiently through a lecture and absorb relevant and necessary framing for the thorough understanding of information.
We really need to work on our attention spans as a society if a one hour lecture is too much for the average learner.
He doesn't like that Clif provides a lot of context and relevant info to the primary claims he is making.
When I play a game, I don't just stick to the main story line, I like doing side quests to get a more robust experience. Clif does that with his anecdotes and general way of approaching topics.
I think Clif's anecdotes are even more interesting than his core subject matter sometimes. I would pay good money for a 12 hour lecture series on what this man knows.
Meh. Maybe you're projecting a bit here? I think this is simply the way the man's mind works. When you listen to his background, you can see that he's got genius levels of mental work going on there. Which is not to say that everything he says is perfectly true or accurate.
I don't feel like it's attention seeking at all. Rather, he is detailed and meticulous and likes precision. I find him quite easy to listen to, because of these aspects.