The Great Depression hit the prepared.
Farmers, hunters, ranchers, and most homes had gardens - the country was stocked with the hardiest survivors and yet the Great Depression still left lasting scars.
What happens when the Much Greater Depression hits the baristas, accountants, lawyers, and coders that make up today's society?
We are looking at the single most destructive human caused event in our history.
NCSWIC, prepare.
This occurred to me when I stepped out of my bathroom the other night. Going from a bright room to a dimmer hallway, my eyes had not adjusted. As I opened the door a ball of thread got sucked toward the door opening where I was standing. It looked like a giant bug and I jumped.
Man...I don't know about you, but I am not tough enough to face what world events are leading towards. God save us all.
They had the dust bowl, we are heading towards the collapse of the centralized just-in-time food supply chain. We might also have war, energy collapse, dollar collapse...
What a coincidence that all those catastrophees occur simultaneously, and they all happen to be man-made. Move on, nothing to see here.
Let's see... overseas destabilization, Spanish Flu, financial crash, food shortage (Dust Bowl), Great Depression. Replace Spanish Flu with Covid, Dust Bowl with numerous food processing plants being destroyed, and Great Depression with the Great Reset. seems like a pattern to me. But I'm cRaZy because I see patterns everywhere.