Kudos to her. Keep attacking. They aren't accustomed to being called out.
They exist in a vacuum of gladhanders and worse, who are all in on the same game.
That's why Trump was immediately despised and they're STILL trying to convict him.
Even in day to day life for us normal folk, call them out. I don't care if it's Jane next door or Joey at the Wawa. You hear bullshit, knock it down with extreme prejudice. They've gotten way too comfortable fucking us over
Kudos to her. Keep attacking. They aren't accustomed to being called out.
They exist in a vacuum of gladhanders and worse, who are all in on the same game.
That's why Trump was immediately despised and they're STILL trying to convict him.
Even in day to day life for us normal folk, call them out. I don't care if it's Jane next door or Joey at the Wawa. You hear bullshit, knock it down with extreme prejudice. They've gotten way too comfortable fucking us over
Can you say "AMEN"?