Every body bangs the "democrats are evil" drum, but ON ONE EVER SAYS WHAT IT WILL TAKE TO GET THE EVIL PEOPLE OUT OF OUR CONGRESS. Most will say vote them out, but that just means another bad guy get the seat because the voters don't have reliable data to view. It's too hard to hand feed 300M Americans on who to vote for and why. So I guess the only recourse is to conduct a take over of the government by plain old citizens. But who will instigate this action? What will be the spark? Who is willing to put their life on the line for justice? Lots of folks are willing to pull the switch and fry somebody, but they are not to hep on the idea of standing up and taking a bullet for FREEDOM.
You are exactly right about the voters don't have/get "reliable" data on candidates to make the best choices. The "Establishment" tries to keep good people off the ballot so they can continue controlling and greasing the wheels for themselves. I tried hard to find info on the candidates running in our primary, but damn, it was hard to find info out there that hadn't already been glossed over. The "incumbents" are "secure" in their slots thanks to the "good ol' boy system".
Every body bangs the "democrats are evil" drum, but ON ONE EVER SAYS WHAT IT WILL TAKE TO GET THE EVIL PEOPLE OUT OF OUR CONGRESS. Most will say vote them out, but that just means another bad guy get the seat because the voters don't have reliable data to view. It's too hard to hand feed 300M Americans on who to vote for and why. So I guess the only recourse is to conduct a take over of the government by plain old citizens. But who will instigate this action? What will be the spark? Who is willing to put their life on the line for justice? Lots of folks are willing to pull the switch and fry somebody, but they are not to hep on the idea of standing up and taking a bullet for FREEDOM.
That leader?
His name that all know him by?
Glowie. Because that's what everyone would call him.
Big reason why we don't have many leaders.
You are exactly right about the voters don't have/get "reliable" data on candidates to make the best choices. The "Establishment" tries to keep good people off the ballot so they can continue controlling and greasing the wheels for themselves. I tried hard to find info on the candidates running in our primary, but damn, it was hard to find info out there that hadn't already been glossed over. The "incumbents" are "secure" in their slots thanks to the "good ol' boy system".