The sensible conclusion is that Biden is replaced by an actor. When he looks different and his expressions are different than replacement is the go to conclusion.
The sensible conclusion would be to say he aged and got a facelift. and his mental state is declining. Him being replaced is an extreme assertion, it would need ample evidence that couldn't be explained so easily. If this is an actor or not really doesn't even matter as well. With both outcomes, he is still a puppet being controlled, he is still doing stupid things. He will still pay the price and he is still illegitimate.
he is still a puppet being controlled, he is still doing stupid things.
Yes, he's our puppet. He's doing stupid things because it undermines the dems and their stupid emotional followers are less likely to riot when they get ousted for cheating. The dems have to be seen to fail for the public to accept that they cheated.
The sensible conclusion would be to say he aged and got a facelift
No, new Biden's forehead is more bulbous. Old Biden's is more sloped, they are just different people. The ears and eyes too. You'll see if you look carefully.
and his mental state is declining.
He hold himself well and walks way too surely and smoothly for someone with medium dementia.
GIven that he appears to be a different person, the simplest explanation is that he is an actor. Given that he makes such very terrible mistakes, the simplest explanation is that he does it on purpose. He just looks like a kinder person to me too. Old Biden looked and sounded like a spiteful monster. See the clip of him arguing with Clarence Thomas years ago.
he looks like he got a facelift. the ears are very much the same, the earlobe is what changed, which is called pixie ear. it happens when you get facelifts when you are old. same for the eyes. people can retain fat in their forehead, his facelift plus weight loss can change its shape. this really is the simplest explanation.
He hasn't retained fat in his forehead, it's a different shape, more domed and less sloped.
this really is the simplest explanation.
What's not simple about exchanging one man for another who looks similar?
Other leaders had doubles. Stalin and Saddam Hussein did for example. It's not a stretch considering his appearance has changed.
Break through the cog dis man! This would not even be close to the weirdest thing to be happening these days.
The sensible conclusion is that Biden is replaced by an actor. When he looks different and his expressions are different than replacement is the go to conclusion.
The sensible conclusion would be to say he aged and got a facelift. and his mental state is declining. Him being replaced is an extreme assertion, it would need ample evidence that couldn't be explained so easily. If this is an actor or not really doesn't even matter as well. With both outcomes, he is still a puppet being controlled, he is still doing stupid things. He will still pay the price and he is still illegitimate.
Yes, he's our puppet. He's doing stupid things because it undermines the dems and their stupid emotional followers are less likely to riot when they get ousted for cheating. The dems have to be seen to fail for the public to accept that they cheated.
No, new Biden's forehead is more bulbous. Old Biden's is more sloped, they are just different people. The ears and eyes too. You'll see if you look carefully.
He hold himself well and walks way too surely and smoothly for someone with medium dementia.
GIven that he appears to be a different person, the simplest explanation is that he is an actor. Given that he makes such very terrible mistakes, the simplest explanation is that he does it on purpose. He just looks like a kinder person to me too. Old Biden looked and sounded like a spiteful monster. See the clip of him arguing with Clarence Thomas years ago.
he looks like he got a facelift. the ears are very much the same, the earlobe is what changed, which is called pixie ear. it happens when you get facelifts when you are old. same for the eyes. people can retain fat in their forehead, his facelift plus weight loss can change its shape. this really is the simplest explanation.
He hasn't retained fat in his forehead, it's a different shape, more domed and less sloped.
What's not simple about exchanging one man for another who looks similar? Other leaders had doubles. Stalin and Saddam Hussein did for example. It's not a stretch considering his appearance has changed.
Break through the cog dis man! This would not even be close to the weirdest thing to be happening these days.