Snowden was trained by the CIA to build snooper programs. He was damn good at it.
Obama and his cronies, after taking over the Bush 4th Reich CIA started up a ton of tiny projects to spy on EVERYONE. Cabal included, which is something he may or may not have promised he wouldn't do with the tech he got when he raped Bush's asshole with the dildo he uses on Big Mike because his is too small. The tech was developed to hunt for Terrorists and made under the fallout of 9/11.
Anyway... Back to Snowden...
Obama was seeing that a few agencies had hold-outs that were using the tech to spy in him. These were groups like, as far as I can tell, the Wizards and Warlocks.
Consider them the proto-Q techies.
Moving forward, Obama knew he had to take these groups out before they gave proof to all the other world Cabal cells and Secret Societies evidence of just how deep Obama was able to spy into their affairs. It could have gone even as deep as knowing the contents of every single private Vatican vault. It was that extensive of a spy and snooping network that the post 9/11 tech groups developed.
Obama put Snowden smack dab in the middle of the NSA, where he knew a group working against his Big Brother programs was likely held up.
Snowden was tasked with a few things:
A. He was told to get all the info on the spying ICE was doing AGAINST Obama using the Big Brother program.
B. He was told to put snooper programs on NSA servers so that no other groups could ever form again, and to scoop up info on any others that were colaborating.
C. Get out of the US with the data, head to Hong Kong, pretend he went to Russia, and then make it look like he was working for the Russians as part of the 16-year plan to start WW3 between Russia and the US.
D. Use the tech to help set up the Blue Checkmark system Twitter uses. That blue checkmark means whomever is being monitored has a personal satellite dish that watches every fart they make and bum they jerk off in a back alley. If they have a checkmark, it means they are being monitored 24-7 and a team can intercept them in ~15 minutes. Snowden programed that for them.
E. Set the stage for DeepState Politicians to reign in the NSA and make the proto-Q assets look like the boogeymen when in reality they were the ones building a case to take down Obama and end the Big Brother bullshit. They framed the NSA White Hats for everything they themselves were doing, and then immortalized Snowden as some great sacrificial lamb, when in reality he worked for them the whole time. Then they sent in all their CIA and FBI goons to completely cuck the NSA, and from then on the last bastion 3-letter agency holding out against the Obama 4th Reich was overrun.
THAT'S THE BEST I CAN TELL! Again, I'm just putting together the pieces here from Q drops.
Snowden, since then, seems to have handed off the source code to the White Hats for the Blue Checkmark system. Remember earlier this year when Twitter and Facebook servers went down intermittently? I think that was them taking control of his personal GUI monitoring system. They probably acquired it around the time of this post, in December 2019:
You want some Q sources, so you know I'm not just talking out my ass?
This is the one that wraps it all together:
All other Snowden Posts allude to everything I've written:
This is the one that proves Snowden is the lynchpin for the Blue Checkmark System:
There you go. Now you know why Snowden is considered by Q to be a filthy traitor. I'll reference back to this whenever I see someone try to claim he is a saint that needs to be pardoned. He very well could have stopped Q from ever getting off the ground. It's by God's Grace that he didn't succeed, though I'm sure he cost a large amount of Patriots their lives...
Sideways thoughts here but we had tied Snowden with John Cusak as both board members of Freedom of the Press Foundation. They raised money for wikileaks and provided a 'safe' place for whistleblowers to drop information to get to wikileaks. John Parry Barlow was a founding member and died of a heart attack just as FPF dropped support for wikilesks and was uncovered as a FBi\CIA honypot, as they were routing whistleblower info directly to the agencies. Q boards were toying with the idea that the FPF was also the dissemination point for the daily unified MSM talking points.
Point? Just got done watching Utiopia, Cusak's series, and it was mind blowing. Everything there right in thebpublic face with the conspiracy theorist moniker pushed to the extreme. MK Ultra, child trafficking, designer viruses as a way to force demand for a nefarious vaccine. We like to talk about how they have a need to foreshadow and tell the human race what is being done to them. Wow. Even ties in with that other weird Netflix video a few years ago by bringing up the children stuffed in gift wrapped boxes to be shipped to shadowy 'elites'. This post just brought this to mind.
You can't stop whistleblowers with nothing to lose from trying to get the word out.
You set up an organization that offers to "protect" whistle blowers.
Then you round them all up, make them sign NDAs and then bury their discoveries as far below the Earth's crust as you can manage. Give them the run around saying "these things take time, you will be heard, trust me!"
Makes you wonder about the patent office, too, aye?
I have a theory that these newest series are created because the black hat actors/producers are being forced to by the white hats - to get the ideas out in the public domain for the normies.