I'll vouch for the value of barley but draw the line at corn syrup, because you can find non-GMO and organic sugar but not clean corn syrup - and under no circumstances should a baby be exposed to glyphosate.
Yeah, I'm not crazy about the corn syrup either. The reason the corn syrup is in most recipes is that evaporated milk can cause constipation in babies- heck it can cause it in adults and the corn syrup keeps that from happening. Honey could be used for older babies but can cause botulism in infants. It would also be used to keep digestion flowing.
13 oz evaporated milk
20 oz water
2 level TBSP Karo syruo
Heat and then pour into 4 6oz bottles. Of course, the recipe can be doubled or tripled.
When searching people were acting like this was horrible. My dad was raised on this in the 1930's, I was in 1958, my younger brothers were as were millions of babies. None of us have grown 2 heads. T
his formula is sure as hell better than what people buy in the stores with the unpronounceable ingred. Plus some baby formulas, like Similac, are made by Big Pharma.
Another good thing is that evaporated milk is very stable when stored even for long periods.
The American Academy of Pediatricians says never to feed homemade formulas to babies, so you know that means it's probably the healthiest thing to feed babies besides breast milk - unless the mother has been vaxxed.
You probably could as maple syrup or pancake syrup are given as alternatives to Karo syrup. My nurse friend told me that they gave babies in the nursery a little sugar water if they were colicky and the Karo was used as a constipation preventative.
I'll vouch for the value of barley but draw the line at corn syrup, because you can find non-GMO and organic sugar but not clean corn syrup - and under no circumstances should a baby be exposed to glyphosate.
Yeah, I'm not crazy about the corn syrup either. The reason the corn syrup is in most recipes is that evaporated milk can cause constipation in babies- heck it can cause it in adults and the corn syrup keeps that from happening. Honey could be used for older babies but can cause botulism in infants. It would also be used to keep digestion flowing.
13 oz evaporated milk
20 oz water
2 level TBSP Karo syruo
Heat and then pour into 4 6oz bottles. Of course, the recipe can be doubled or tripled.
When searching people were acting like this was horrible. My dad was raised on this in the 1930's, I was in 1958, my younger brothers were as were millions of babies. None of us have grown 2 heads. T
his formula is sure as hell better than what people buy in the stores with the unpronounceable ingred. Plus some baby formulas, like Similac, are made by Big Pharma.
Another good thing is that evaporated milk is very stable when stored even for long periods.
The American Academy of Pediatricians says never to feed homemade formulas to babies, so you know that means it's probably the healthiest thing to feed babies besides breast milk - unless the mother has been vaxxed.
Can it just be natural sugar instead of corn syrup? Can find organic sugar, nothing corn is organic anymore
You probably could as maple syrup or pancake syrup are given as alternatives to Karo syrup. My nurse friend told me that they gave babies in the nursery a little sugar water if they were colicky and the Karo was used as a constipation preventative.
Uh oh, evaporated milk causes constipation? I know prepping fams who are sticking up on that more than dry milk, better mention that!
Tell them to buy honey. 1 TBSP in a glass of hot water will fix constipation.
Thank you, fren!