Good day my US and World Wide Anons and Patriots. This is for All Of You To Scan Through Please.
I’ve posted ANTIFA/BLM’s little “innocent looking” Commie info site several times before, but it’s that time for you Anons to peer into the Sling Shot Collective again to see how they continue to masquerade as David to take down the Republic USA they see as Goliath, and every other capitalistic/free Nation.
In this episode of their paper, The importance of “fire lighting” as a firefighter in California, and what more it “could do”. This little not so innocent story has about as much underlying meaning as their next story, Building The Population Bomb. Basically how to destroy one population supplanting it for another……..hmmm sounds like Schwab, Havari, or Gates.
And plenty more in their MENU too. My favorite being this link below where they stupidly post where their funding and recruiting businesses are. Just click on your country/region, and go from there. We Anons, Patriots, our friends and family, should be AVOIDING these businesses like the plague. We should all be working through legal routes to Shut Them All Down! Best way to destroy them, don’t shop there PERIOD! And make it known to all whom you know what these businesses support; the Destruction of America and every other free country World wide!
Well there you go Anons, another friendly reminder of our Patriotic duty to save not only America, but the World. For Where We Go One We Go All, World Wide.
Thanks for the info.
Personally I have been waiting for these idiots to hit the countryside. Until then, they're mostly wrecking blue shitholes and if they want to depopulate themselves, who am I to stand in their way.
I live 10 miles from a gas station
Out here the people I do run into seem to still have souls and brains. We wave at eachother or at least give the nod when we pass eachother on the dirt road
In the city, someone will cut you off, brake check you, then cry victim and/or try to fight you for it. That shits a zoo