Let me put this diagram in a paragraph format exactly as the Russian military are portraying it.
US Coordination of Biological Laboratories and Research in Ukraine
Ideologues: The following entities were facilitating the operation:
-Democratic National Party
-Barack Obama: Launched Biological Threat Reduction Program in 2005
-Hilary Clinton: Spearheaded the adoption of US strategy to counter biological threats and promoted legalization of Dual Use Research
-Joe Biden: Coordinated the activity of the Executors of the military biological program, involved in financial fraud in Ukraine
-George Soros: Major sponsor of military biological research in Ukraine and lobbyist for Big Pharma
Organized by the Executive Branch and Academic Centers: Aforementioned “ideologues” abused their positions to “set tasks” for Executive controlled agencies. Weaponizing these agencies to carryout the bidding of the ideologues. They are as follows:
-US Dept of State -US Dept of Defense -US Dept of Agriculture -US Central Intelligence Agency -US Threat Reduction Agency -US Center for Disease and Control -US International Development Agency -US Army W. Reed Research Institute -US Army Fort Detrick, Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases
Sponsors: Aforementioned US Agencies funneled their money through a series of Non-Government Foundations and Organizations, known as “Sponsors”. They were tasked with “Allocation of Funds” before directing them to the biological laboratories themselves. Otherwise known as “money laundering”. The Sponsors assisting in the money laundering scheme, are as follows:
-The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -The Clinton Foundation -Rosemont Seneca (Hunter Biden) -Open Society -Soros Fund Management -Civil Research Development Fund -The Rockefeller Foundation -Ecohealth Alliance -Pilot Growth
Executors in Ukraine: Aforementioned Sponsors “washed” the money being sent from US Executive Agencies, and sent them to the “Executors”. The actual biological facilities themselves. The labs were given “Funding for Dual Research”. They were tasked with:
-Creating elements of selective biological weapons -Use of Ukraine as a bio-polygon -Clinical Trials of New Medicine
The Executors involved are as follows:
-US Embassy in Ukraine -Ukrainian Scientific and Technological Center -Ukraine Ministry of Defense -Ukraine Ministry of Health -Black and Veatch -Metabiota (Hunter Biden) -CH2M Hill Jacob’s Engineering -Skymount Medical
Pharmaceutical Corporations (Big Pharma): Aforementioned Executors would then traffic biological material and research to pharmaceutical companies. Sometimes directly, sometimes via US Armed Forces. The pharmaceutical companies would then create the “cures” for the masses, because they have the research to know how to do it, resulting in billions in profit. The pharmaceutical companies who received trafficked bioweapons research and material are the following.
-Pfizer -Battelle -Gilead -Dynport Vaccine -AbbVie -Parexel -Eli Lilly and Co. -Merck and Co. -Moderna
Of the tens of billions in profit from all of the endless injections, some is then kicked back to the Ideologues responsible for formulating the plot. They use the funds to finance their campaigns and maintain their control.
Edit: Shoutout to August, one of my followers, sent me a link to fully English translated version of the entire slide show. I will post the pictures as well and will breakdown the full translation. Link here... (BioClandestine)
Let's say my name is Dr. Evil, and I run a bioweapons lab in Ukraine.
I either (a) know that virues do not exist, or (b) don't know that viruses do not exist, but because they don't, I have never been able to create a weaponized virus.
So ...
I ask the Gates, Clinton, Soros and other criminal foundations for grant money to study viruses. They happily provide me with millions of dollars to study viruses.
However ...
Due to the "Dual Use Research" provisions, I can redirect that money away from viruses and into either biological weapons, chemical weapons, or creative drug concoctions that can be injected directly into people via drugs that are falsely labeled as "vaccines."
So, Americans pay taxes, and the money ends up in the hands of criminals like Fauci, who then launders the money into the various criminal foundations and criminal private equity firms (Joe/Hunter Biden, and various co-conpsirators like John Kerry), and the money comes into my foreign country (Ukraine), which (after a 50% skimming fee as kickbacks to both American and Ukrainian politicians) goes into my lab's bank account for virus research, which is redirected to other things which might actually be real.
Then ...
I come up with a formula let's say for an ingredient that can be mixed into a drug, which makes the metals in a human body activate with EMF's (5G) and do some nasty stuff.
I sell this formula to international drug makers, who sell the drugs to the government, who give it "for free" to the people -- claiming it is to help them, when in reality it was designed from the beginning to harm them.
These drug companies also pay patent fees back to Fauci, who claims to be the "inventor" since his government agency funded the initial research.
All of the nefarious research is done "off shore" and away from the Big Pharma companies. If someone wanted to try and track it all down, they would be met with a wall of separation by a foreign lab in a foreign country, that has NWO puppets who run the country's legal system, and there will be no investigation (just ask F. Joe Biden about investigations of wrongdoing in Ukraine).
Just spitballing here ...