Credit is important. These people have worked their tails off for over a year to generate the content - that massive body of evidence of election fraud. It's not a small thing. It's the work of an army of patriots who are risking having the corrupt federal government crush them like bugs. These people should be duly credited. At the very least, mention D'Souza and Salem media for producing it. Faux wanted to cut that out. It's like presenting the Theory of Relativity and not giving credit to Einstein who developed it.
Sure, for us average Pepes out there, it doesn't really matter. We just want the info. But we didn't bust our butts for months to get the info, did we? Those people deserve credit. It's not a trivial issue and Mr. VP Know-it-All knows that. You don't promote a book without naming the author.
Credit is important. These people have worked their tails off for over a year to generate the content - that massive body of evidence of election fraud. It's not a small thing. It's the work of an army of patriots who are risking having the corrupt federal government crush them like bugs. These people should be duly credited. At the very least, mention D'Souza and Salem media for producing it. Faux wanted to cut that out. It's like presenting the Theory of Relativity and not giving credit to Einstein who developed it.
Sure, for us average Pepes out there, it doesn't really matter. We just want the info. But we didn't bust our butts for months to get the info, did we? Those people deserve credit. It's not a trivial issue and Mr. VP Know-it-All knows that. You don't promote a book without naming the author.
It is EXTREMELY trivial when the nation is at stake not to mention the fate of HUMANITY.