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There is a learning curve but it’s not that hard. Rule of thumb is east of the Mississippi soil = acidic. West = alkali. Of course, yours may vary.
My soil is alkali. Find some pine trees, gather, spread as mulch or mix in. I also use the fine pine shavings (big bale about $5 and goes a long way) at Tractor supply for mulch and soil prep. Any leaves, hay/alfalfa or cardboard (called “brown” material) can be used also. Mix in generous amounts of peat moss. Mix soil now for next season planting. Keep watered.
Do not use bagged stuff from big box stores. Do not use “potting” soil. It does not retain moisture. Exception is peat moss, steer/chicken manure unless you have animal resources. But even then you have to check out the company for scumbaggery.
Much of the bagged “soil” is not soil at all. Stick ur finger in several brands of bags…then smell. Smells like sewage…because it is. Also, there are many states now that have either passed legislation or are trying to allow dead bodies to be composted and used.
Use whole fish or guts and bury around ur citrus trees. If a new planting…put fish in the bottom of hole, throw a little dirt on top, then plant.
Worms and worm poop are your best friend. Use as much as you can afford in your soil prep. If you have an aphid problem, spread generous amounts of worm casings around plant and water in. Works amazing.
Use “heirloom” seeds (the plant will reproduce seeds). Watch out for seeds that say “non- GMO” but don’t say “heirloom.” Always leave one or two plants for seed collection. I like to buy tins of seeds from and keep in fridge.
Got some onions growing in the fridge? Plant them, let them flower and collect the seeds. That bundle of chives going bad in the drawer? Plant them, they”ll grow. You can use or collect seeds. Organic potatoes from the store? Yup, let the eyes grow then plant. (Commercial bagged potatoes are sprayed so they wont sprout. Yes, they really do want to kill/control you). Sweet taters! Yup, but they like hotter temps.
There are veges that like cool temps and plants that like warm temps. Plant accordingly.
You can get your soil tested for pH and content. Do a search for your state. Also, you should have a horticulture college or uni that will have planting dates for specific veges/ fruit that grow in your area…that is very helpful. Download and print.
Farmers grew food for thousands of years naturally. And God put everything we need to grow. We need to get back to that.
(Sorry for the mini book). MudPuddle planting is my thing.
Thank you for the writeup! A little bit of everything pedes need to know to get started. Awesome!
Mudpuddle, thank you for this. I may copy pasta your mini book to refer back to. As I mentioned to op, please, one of you start a thread and help us
lovely setup! i just harvested my first cherry tomato from the garden a couple days ago
Just visited my local Ace Hardware earlier today and bought some plants! I use grow boxes from and the crops are bumper! The pics you see on their website are spot on. I've never seen tomato plants grow so tall. I have never had much luck with cucumbers though, but I'm sure that's a fault of mine, not the growbox.
Cucumbers can be finicky, and you have to have the right pH balance in the soil, as with any plants. One of the easiest to grow is zucchini, wich takes off like crazy if the soil is condusive..
Keep growing, it's not just a way to supplement your groceries, it's fun, and rewarding. I find that local grown food also tastes better about 92% of the time, and is fresher, lasts longer on the counter or fridge.
Have you ever grown lemon cucumbers? Amazing!! Round and yellow like lemons with a faint citrus taste. Easy to grow. You gotta try em!
That sounds awesome, I'll check on that! Thank you!
Well done, patriots.
Yes! I have the farthest thing from a green thumb, and lose so many of my plants as I am in the desert and soil challenges are the worst. BUT I press on, eg today Ive got a big mess to uproot and start over. But Im still planting and thank God some grow. Just do it!
Is ur soil sandy?
Describe sandy and clay, I get confused on which mine is
Sandy like the beach with a small amount of dirt. Clay is thick(er) and finer in size. It can be hard when dry and when saturated, you can wad it up in a ball and it holds shape.
We have a lot of that here, if you add peat and gypsum pellets it eventually will become fertile soil. Lots of simple things to make rich soil.
Id love a garden thread where knowledgable patriots like you and mudpuddle weigh in and help us novices. Seriously. will one of you start one
Yes. You just need to know what ur starting with. :)
I think mine is more sandy, but also can be clay-like--is that possible?
Yes, it’s possible. Imagine soil like beach sandy = white…that then transitions to gray = loamy…then to hard clay = black. Very simplified but you get the idea.
Sandy….water immediately soaks in and disappears. Dries out fast and does not hold moisture. Fix by adding organic matter, worm poop, compost, grass clippings, peat moss, leaves, pine needles, alfalfa, pine shavings, brown cardboard, empty toilet paper rolls, steer manure, etc., and clay. Try and wait at least a growing season before planting. Keep watered.
Loamy…a good mix of sand, organic material, and clay. Drains well, not too fast but holds moisture. (Best!)
Clay…water will sit on top and takes a long time to drain, but stays wet a long time. Makes the best mud puddle pies…lol. Fix by adding organic material as above. I add some sand but some may disagree with that. If ur clay is super hard, add some gypsum. It breaks the chemical bonds and allows for better drainage.
Veges like to grow at 7 pH soil. They will produce at higher and lower but not as well.
I don’t have time to monitor a post but I’ll chime in if someone does or you can ask me a ? anytime. Oh, and call ur nearest plant nursery and find out what “zone” ur in and which authority they are using: Western Sunset or another. They can be different (zones).
I think Im sandy. Dries fast but the thing is, holds moisture. Its bone dry on top but moisture meter shows far right wet.
Don’t expect these results first time but stick some seeds in the dirt and water them. That’s how you start!
Sometimes I think there is such a thing as a green thumb. ANd mine is a gold / brown one. But my little boy literally took snflower seeds from bird feed and did exactly what you said--put in the dirt and watered. DIdnt even tell us and then a sunflower started growing and became so pretty. He tells me the best way to grow is seeds, not starting with the plants lol
Just came back cpl days after to admire your garden, well done, truly beautiful. And inspiring. I think you should post this pic and start a helpful thread with tips to help us who arent so good at it.
Also where are you? are you in a good soil area?