When is is written: symbolism will we their downfall, it is not due to the symbol itself, or that its power all of a sudden is different.
The context as used by Q seems to indicate that they out themselves by showing their symbolism. Every single time.
It is like you showing your voter-id to be allowed in and throwing in your vote for an election. Or like showing your ID in pursuit of business with government. Both parties here show their Symbols. This conveys trust to do business.
Equally, when they show their symbols, it outs them as the interested party in these shootings.
One has to ask the question, then why we're so many Americans Freemasons? Was their legacy of 1776 an convoluted plan to fool us?
Or is indeed the issue that they too are an infiltrated, co-opted and redirected organisation, comped to the core?
Mittens said: corporations are people too. He is wrong. People are alive. They have a life ( lijf, Leib). Corporations are bodies, dead bodies. They may appear August but just as plump. Dead bodies without capacity of thinking and easily subverted and infiltrated.
When is is written: symbolism will we their downfall, it is not due to the symbol itself, or that its power all of a sudden is different.
The context as used by Q seems to indicate that they out themselves by showing their symbolism. Every single time.
It is like you showing your voter-id to be allowed in and throwing in your vote for an election. Or like showing your ID in pursuit of business with government. Both parties here show their Symbols. This conveys trust to do business.
Equally, when they show their symbols, it outs them as the interested party in these shootings.
One has to ask the question, then why we're so many Americans Freemasons? Was their legacy of 1776 an convoluted plan to fool us?
Or is indeed the issue that they too are an infiltrated, co-opted and redirected organisation, comped to the core?
Mittens said: corporations are people too. He is wrong. People are alive. They have a life ( lijf, Leib). Corporations are bodies, dead bodies. They may appear August but just as plump. Dead bodies without capacity of thinking and easily subverted and infiltrated.