Considering the News that a large portion of Twitter's users may be bots/fake. I would like to point out just how over the target we were. Remember that 1st wave of NPC accounts/memes? That was devastating to them because it exposed the Truth wayyyy too early. That's why it catalyzed censorship.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
If your humanity can be removed or cancelled or denied by a random anon posting memes on the internet, then you never really had any in the first place.
The NPC meme just holds up a mirror to people. If it rings true to you, and the reflection of yourself causes that recoil/repulsion instinct, then all that the memer has done has provide you insight as to your condition. Isn't that better than living a lie?
The left so frequently speak in hyperbolic terms that words quite literally become meaningless.
Terrifying is when a bear tears you apart limb by limb and no comes to help because they all know you use NPC terms like “alt-right”.
Its that desperation to frame themselves as a victim class, no matter the circumstance.
Dehumanizing ehh...
Define human. I doubt they can.
They can't even define a woman.
The Bots gave me "the Bots" when they were allowed to vote on Mules for Biden.
How many Bots send children to college or pay taxes? Bots must be taxed heavily. Bots don't care about the cost of gasoline or where to get baby food. But Bots are in control.
And finally, Bots don't get shots!
Curious, when did the npc memes start, that you reference, what year?
I believe it was 2019... hundreds of thousands of people switched their profiles to NPC images and NPC names (appearing as .exe's and coding snippets), and would just comment endlessly to "Support the current thing" and have logic processing issues when seeing the truth.
It was absolutely hilarious. But it literally lasted for about 1-2 weeks prior to Twitter successfully banning and shutting everything down across the board re: NPC's.
Anyone with NPC verbiage/imagery was suspended until they changed their account. Some repeat offenders were perma-banned.
I hope this does become a bad word.
I knew this would happen.
NPCs too braindead to realize it is a catch all term to describe someone who can't think critically or refuses to ask questions about a give narrative because sheep got old. It's got to be dehumanizing lol.
Well it should be dehumanizing because these people did give up some fundamental act of consciousness that arguably l sets the humans apart from the animals.
Precisely. The NPC meme'ings were absolutely perfect.
Why does Twitter not have dates on the tweets
Dunno. But I was part of the NPC wave and was ban-hammered along with countless others... the article describing how "insensitive" we were was back in late 2018. Twitter claimed they only banned "1,500" accounts. Lol. I'm guessing that's closer to 150,000 accounts, since just about everyone right leaning was adopting the NPC personas to troll the Left.