Supposedly left leaning sources are talking about big happenings this week... Anyone else hear anything?
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Hubby mentioned there are supposed to be shortages on the east coast for diesel soon. Not sure what the source on that info would be. He mainly reads Fox, BBC, etc.
You haven't educated him into the ways of enlightenment yet?
Faux, british bullshit corp ?
I bet yall have some lively conversation.
Not really. He thinks I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, even though everything I have brought up turns out to be true. We can't talk politics or even world events, lol. He still thinks people generally have good intentions, so no one would engineer food crisis, gas shortages, bird flu, Covid, remdesivir response, election theft, FF events, etc. Worldview definitely matters. I think
Boy is he in for a surprise.
Closest thing I had to a (ex) would literally stick her fingers in her ears an start humming. Her readymade response was "we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die". She got boring, and I got single. It was to scary for her.
You can choose to ignore reality, but you can't escape the consequences of ignoring reality.
Sounds like he has a good heart, as all this unfolds, maybe it won't jade him to bad.
He does have a good heart. He loves Jesus and us. He's just pretty deceived by MSM. He ended up realizing the whole Covid nonsense was just that, but thinks the powers that be all mean well as they commit murder worldwide, that they really don't mean to kill people off. He now is totally blind about the whole Ukraine situation, but has finally stopped watching the msm coverage every spare minute. He thinks Putin is the bad guy, which he may not be a saint, but I do think the evidence seems to support him doing exactly what he promised to destroy the Nazis in Ukraine and expose the DS. His whole family is deceived though. They all took all the jabs, so I'm prepping mentally for their demise. I just hope they don't transmit something deadly to us in the process.