Yeah and that doesn't even count those people who've developed terminal cancer from the jab. I'm seeing about a year between their jabs and development of cancer. They'll never put 2 and 2 together, except, I had one patient that got a booster and developed a severe rash down the same arm, breast as the jab was injected just a day or two after the jab. She even contacted her doctor about it, months later she has cancer in that same breast.👀
Yeah and that doesn't even count those people who've developed terminal cancer from the jab. I'm seeing about a year between their jabs and development of cancer. They'll never put 2 and 2 together, except, I had one patient that got a booster and developed a severe rash down the same arm, breast as the jab was injected just a day or two after the jab. She even contacted her doctor about it, months later she has cancer in that same breast.👀