Meanwhile on the cloud-edge of Heaven Jesus is seen approaching his father. God in obvious brooding thought.
“Hey uh Pops, uh Gabriel said you just put a random Rainbow over DC with no clouds. I thought we were going easy on the miracles for those politicians?
“Jesus my son, today I must admit I had to stop myself.”
“Uh dad you’re kinda worrying me with that look. It was the same look you gave Noah when he was confused of why you wanted him to build an Ark in the desert. Boy were you upset! Ha the flood almost came early that day.”
God’s voice suddenly booms across heaven in anger “Yes my son. The DemoLibs have angered me to the point I was about to flash-flood them right into the Potomac and out into the Atlantic! I mean I was this close this time, and none of your Rock-Wine was going to stop me!”
“Oh, I see. So you threw up the Rainbow to remind yourself huh?”
“Yes my son I did. I had to stop myself! I promised Noah, Moses, all of Israel, Mohammad, St. Nick, and Smith I wouldn’t get so angry.”
“It’s okay dad. And this just shows the centuries of St. Nick’s Anger Management Class has kept you from bringing the apocalypse early.”
“But Jesus those DemoLibs!”
“Dad I’m still listening.”
“Uh yes haha, where was I (shooow)? Oh those rascally DemoLibs won’t heed my words and I am certainly out of patients! But you asked I forgive them! Every priest and preacher, even the pedo ones have asked me to forgive them! And Trump and Scavino! I don’t even know why I listened to you to provide that that computer of theirs with all that future knowledge son! And, and I just keep asking myself why did I invent Liberal thought!?!”
“But you did father you did and now we must give time to set things straight!”
“Yes my son. And so there is that Rainbow! Yes my glorious Rainbow stopping me from creating a Tsunami from nowhere and taking that accursed city of DC right off the map. Son thank you. Thank you for being here for me.”
“You ready for some Angels singing and my special Rock-Wine while we watch the show below father?”
“Yes my son. For now. But if this Plan doesn’t work out for them, those DemoLibs will be wishing Aliens saved them! ID4 is nothing compared to what I’ll be bringing.”
Meanwhile on the cloud-edge of Heaven Jesus is seen approaching his father. God in obvious brooding thought.
“Hey uh Pops, uh Gabriel said you just put a random Rainbow over DC with no clouds. I thought we were going easy on the miracles for those politicians?
“Jesus my son, today I must admit I had to stop myself.”
“Uh dad you’re kinda worrying me with that look. It was the same look you gave Noah when he was confused of why you wanted him to build an Ark in the desert. Boy were you upset! Ha the flood almost came early that day.”
God’s voice suddenly booms across heaven in anger “Yes my son. The DemoLibs have angered me to the point I was about to flash-flood them right into the Potomac and out into the Atlantic! I mean I was this close this time, and none of your Rock-Wine was going to stop me!”
“Oh, I see. So you threw up the Rainbow to remind yourself huh?”
“Yes my son I did. I had to stop myself! I promised Noah, Moses, all of Israel, Mohammad, St. Nick, and Smith I wouldn’t get so angry.”
“It’s okay dad. And this just shows the centuries of St. Nick’s Anger Management Class has kept you from bringing the apocalypse early.”
“But Jesus those DemoLibs!”
“Dad I’m still listening.”
“Uh yes haha, where was I (shooow)? Oh those rascally DemoLibs won’t heed my words and I am certainly out of patients! But you asked I forgive them! Every priest and preacher, even the pedo ones have asked me to forgive them! And Trump and Scavino! I don’t even know why I listened to you to provide that that computer of theirs with all that future knowledge son! And, and I just keep asking myself why did I invent Liberal thought!?!”
“But you did father you did and now we must give time to set things straight!”
“Yes my son. And so there is that Rainbow! Yes my glorious Rainbow stopping me from creating a Tsunami from nowhere and taking that accursed city of DC right off the map. Son thank you. Thank you for being here for me.”
“You ready for some Angels singing and my special Rock-Wine while we watch the show below father?”
“Yes my son. For now. But if this Plan doesn’t work out for them, those DemoLibs will be wishing Aliens saved them! ID4 is nothing compared to what I’ll be bringing.”
Fade out from Heaven