64 Russian Federation, is it possible that the world swamp is drained more than we realize. I expected a lot of names that I did not see. Only thing Gates is represented & Soros is actually on the list for in person visit. Wonder if they could be trying to flush him out.
President Donald J Trump is on this list. Level 1 Member
They'll all be avoiding him.
Years ago, I used to fall asleep thinking about what it would take to unravel the Gordian Knot that is globalism.
This is but a small sample of the magnitude of the problem.
The rituals in a cave and smoky backrooms are now bragging advertisements.
This week, LQdy.
Edit: Oops, my mistake: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/01/davos-2022-world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-may/
Not what I was expecting, a lot of Russians on this list and Jane Goodall, really....
64 Russian Federation, is it possible that the world swamp is drained more than we realize. I expected a lot of names that I did not see. Only thing Gates is represented & Soros is actually on the list for in person visit. Wonder if they could be trying to flush him out.