Dont let the information war get to you! Take time off and then get your ass back to the front.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
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That is exactly what I am doing. Re-planted my garden, made a pond and am growing loads of fruit and veg. Enjoying the fine weather and looking forward to my daughter's arrival next week - have not seen her for 2.5 years. Good to take a break and re-charge one's batteries.
I’m jealous of your pond. Double jealous if it has a dam and you can control the water level. Dams are cool.
Its not grand, made out of a Belfast sink a friend gave me. I am also covet ponds big enough to grow a gunnera, mine may be big enough for Pepe to take a dip. :)
Can you put a few frogs in it? That would be cool. I love bullfrogs, but I think those need more space. How big is the sink?
Not big at all, sadly. A passing frog might take a dip. Don't think we have bullfrogs in the UK.