Dont let the information war get to you! Take time off and then get your ass back to the front.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
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It’s time we look after ourself most importantly, and support others who are part of the solution, ie. non-compliant people in the community.
I’ve acknowledged right after the height of protests in the capital, that we’ve fallen. Although some will argue that we’ve fallen a long time ago. Until these pedophile protectors and criminals who pose as our “leaders” are arrested and hanged, and not parading on the idiot boxes, then we aren’t going anywhere.
Regarding our elections: I don’t think we’ll be voting our way out of tyranny.
Agreed for the most part.
No way we'll be voting our way out of tyranny. But what I'm hoping for is some upset, some destabilization of the establishment. The only solution - one that I have a complete conviction about - is an awakening of the people - of enough people that we redirect OURselves, as a whole. Everything else is simply part of that process.
I don't think we've fallen. I think we've simply started to wake up. And, it's painful, but it's far better than where we have been.
Looking after ourselves, and the awakened and non-compliants in the community: this is the key direction and method. Well stated.